µGRAPH v1.9 release 3

François Beauducel

Micro Graphic Data Analyser
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris - Observatoire Royal de Belgique


µGRAPH (former named "µDAS Grapher") is a simple tool to help analysis of time data series. It reads regular raw ASCII data files, offers standard processing, and produces an interactive and intuitive visualization via time referenced graphics. Results can be exported in new file under various data formats or GIF image.

Other software’s allow to produce high-quality graphics, but usually require the very last update of computer performances as soon as you want to process large data files… µGRAPH is a tiny stand-alone MS-DOS® program “mgr.exe“ (about 100 Kb), running with standard graphic display and processor 80286 or higher. It does not need RAM and can handle up to 30 channels and 200 files together of unlimited sizeunlimited sizeunlimited size because all the processes are sequenunlimited size tial. All options can be specified on a single line at the MS-DOS® prompt or into alias script files, such as full automatic processing / graph outputs are allowed.

µGRAPH can be used in three different ways:

The syntax of µGRAPH is (brackets stand for optional arguments):

Syntax: mgr filename1 [filename2 ...] [/options] [@script]

and you get a graph of your data and/or processed data file!

Download the last stable version (v1.9c, 2004-06-12)

What's New? In addition to debugging and some new options and functions, this version includes a high level tool named HICUM (periodic histogram), developped by Van Ruymbeke et al.., and a complete user's manual (132 pages in a printable PDF file). This version has been tested for more than one year... and seems stable!
To use it now, get and run the Complete Software Package into your utility directory. Contains a single executable version (for 80286 or higher) and help files:
  • mgr.exe supports standard CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, use /novga option in case of malfunction.
  • mgr.pdf is a complete PDF user's manual (132 pages).
  • mgr_help.dat and mgr_tide.dat are companion data files (respectively for quick help and Hicum analyse).
  • example.clb and example.dat are example files (see user's manual).
  • day.exe is a tiny DOS utility for date convertion.
  • lisezmoi.txt instructions and update information (in French).
  • Download the user's manual only (PDF included in the package).

    Download the previous stable version (v1.9, 2000-05-26)

    To use it now, get and run the Complete Software Package into your utility directory. Contains two executable versions and help files:
  • mgr.exe for 80286 or higher (needs math. coprocessor or Pentium), supports CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA.
  • mgr0.exe for 80186 or higher, supports standard EGA/VGA.
  • mgr.hlp is a complete Windows help file.
  • mgrhelp.txt is a quick DOS text help available when running µDAS Grapher.
  • example.clb is an example of calibration file.
  • day.exe is a tiny DOS utility for date convertion.
  • lisezmoi.txt instructions and update information (in French).
  • Also available, MDAS Utility program for µDAS EEPROM v3.4 management.


      Software: François Beauducel

      EDAS Project: Michel Van Ruymbeke