39Ar/40Ar analytical results for Biotite from sample TL 19

T °C


36Ar/39Ar (x100)

37Ar/39Ar (x100)

39Ar/40Ar (x100)

%39Ar Cumul.

Age (Ma)

+- (Ma)

450 103.10 68.54 1890.632 0.330 0.66 1253.7 44.1
500 92.48 59.20 1834.262 0.377 0.88 1158.1 40.4
550 3.24 9.98 576.540 3.080 4.44 55.9 11.6
600 9.67 2.32 423.674 6.102 41.65 162.2 3.5
650 16.60 3.75 422.531 3.641 56.25 270.2 5.4
700 29.92 11.01 308.796 1.613 59.84 461.1 12.3
800 33.48 4.03 388.520 2.219 75.48 508.9 6.8
900 44.11 1.88 461.283 2.029 81.49 644.4 6.2
1000 42.32 4.32 773.895 1.829 90.29 622.3 7.6
1100 30.16 0.29 777.595 3.248 100.00 464.3 4.2

Tab delimited text file of these results

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