39Ar/40Ar analytical results for Biotite from sample TL 14

T °C


36Ar/39Ar (x100)

37Ar/39Ar (x100)

39Ar/40Ar (x100)

%39Ar Cumul.

Age (Ma)

+- (Ma)

500 40.29 81.55 37.868 0.358 0.49 596.9 70.4
550 12.94 30.22 13.714 0.985 1.08 214.0 32.1
600 8.92 21.74 18.565 1.377 2.52 150.3 23.9
650 8.78 18.22 4.197 1.609 6.98 148.0 20.1
700 3.49 4.59 0.423 5.911 19.74 60.3 5.4
750 1.80 0.40 0.238 33.708 44.17 31.3 0.6
800 1.58 0.12 0.704 52.242 54.00 27.6 0.3
850 1.52 0.14 2.169 52.118 64.14 26.5 0.4
900 1.75 0.14 2.589 46.485 71.16 30.5 0.4
970 1.68 0.23 6.444 42.655 77.22 29.2 0.5
1050 1.58 0.40 14.831 36.438 100.00 27.6 0.6

Tab delimited text file of these results

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