Career profile

I work in the Magnetic Observatories department of the Institute de physique du globe de Paris. This service is one of the components of the Bureau Central de Magnétisme Terrestre (BCMT), which is a National Observation Service (SNO) of the ANO-4 of the CNRS-INSU. As IT manager of the National Magnetic Observatory, my main mission is to ensure the operational functioning, the integrity and the development of the information system of the Magnetic Observatories of the IPGP. This system processes and distributes data from a dozen observatories around the world.
In addition, I am the manager of the Paris' "Geomagnetic Information Node" (GIN) , which is one of the five data collection centres of the international network of magnetic observatories Intermagnet.

For two years my missions have been redirected towards data management, due to the strong involvement of the BCMT in the "Solid Eart Pole" projects, at national level via Form@ter, and European level via EPOS.

===> Publications <===


My two main missions are: system administration and data management

Data Management - In the frame of the Form@ter and EPOS projects, and more broadly Open Data , development and implementation of the data management plan with a "FAIR data" objective. Design & implementation of the metadata database associated with our scientific data.
WDS/CoreTrustSeal Certification - Technical manager of the implementation of the CoreTrustSeal certification of our digital repository.
Virtualisation - Migration of the Information System to Proxmox VE


IT manager

2012 - Present
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris

Sytem administration, monitoring, and ensuring security of the BCMT information system, to ensure reliable and uninterrupted information distribution (5 Linux servers / 15 workstations, all kind of operating system).

Redefinition and harmonization of the information system architecture, for optimal integration into data distribution platforms Form@ter et EPOS.

IT manager

2006 - 2012
Laboratoire de Virologie Moléculaire et Structurale, Gif-sur-Yvette

IT System Administrator (4 servers, 8 nodes Linux computing cluster / 90 workstations, all kind of operating system). Related tasks: Certificate authority, IT security manager Technical manager for the "le Centre de Recherche de Gif" Rôles associés à cette mission : Correspondant informatique du Campus, autorité d'enregistrement des certificats, chargé de sécurité Informatique du laboratoire (CSSI), responsable technique pour le Centre de Recherche de Gif.

Three-dimensional reconstruction of biologic objects using single-particle reconstruction analys and electron tomography. Both techniques utilize a Transmission Electron Microscopy (FEG, de 200 kV) to collect a set of projections.

Labview Developer

2004 - 2006
Service Aéronomie, Verrières-le-Buisson

Design, in Labview, of the acquisition, treatment and control module of the pointing part (solar follow and fine pointing) of the demonstration prototype of the spatial Solarnet interferometer

C Developer

2002 - 2004
Centre de ressources d'ingénierie et d'initiatives pédagogiques, Cachan
L'Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, Fontenay-aux-Roses

Design and development of the data acquisition system for a neutron/gamma detector

System Administrator

1994 - 2002
Service Aéronomie, Paris

System administration on a wide variety of Unix platforms (4 Unix servers / 90 workstations).