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Merapi Volcano Scientific Bibliography

Alphabetic List

12th Edition, September 2000, 316 references, compilation by F. Beauducel.

A Back to Top

Abdurachman, E. K.; J.L. Bourdier; K. Kelfoun; B. Voight, Le détachement de déferlantes pyroclastiques dans les nuées ardentes du Merapi et ses implications pour l'évaluation des menaces, Société Géologique de France, seminar on "Les dômes de lave: construction et destruction", Paris, 13 mars 1997, abstract & oral presentation.

Abdurachman, Enar Kusdinar, Géologie des produits de l'activité historique et contribution à l'évaluation des risques au Merapi (Java), Indonésie, Thèse de Doctorat, Univ. Orléans, 289 pp, 1998.

Abdurachman, K.; Bourdier, J.L.; Camus, G.; Gourgaud, A.; Kelfoun, K.; Le Pennec, J.L.; Sukhyar, R., Identification de dépôts historiques du merapi (Java): vers une meilleure caractérisation des produits des nuées ardentes "de type Merapi", RST, Brest, p 61, 1998.

Abdurachman, E.K., J.-L. Bourdier, B. Voight, Nuées ardentes of 22 November 1994 at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue Merapi volcano, 100:1-4, 345-361, 2000. |More|

Agung Nandaka, Made, Étude des déformations d'un volcan actif à dôme. Application au Merapi. DEA Report, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 52 pp, Octobre 1999.

Alidibirov, A.; D.B. Dingwell, Three fragmentation mechanisms for highly viscous magma under rapid decompression, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue Merapi volcano, 100:1-4, 413-421, 2000.

Alidibirov, M.; D.B. Dingwell; O. Spieler, Experimental Fragmentation of Merapi Lava Dome Material, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop II, UNESCO-VSI,Yogyakarta Dec 5-9, 1997.

Allard, P.; Tazieff, H., Phénoménologie et cartographie thermique des principales zones fumerolliennes du volcan Merapi (Indonésie) -- Phenomenology and thermal mapping of the principal furmarole zones of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia, C. R. Acad. Sci., Série D, 288:8, 747-750, February 26, 1979. |GeoRef|

Allard, P.; D. Carbonnelle; D. Dajlevic; N. Metrich; J.C. Sabroux, The volatile source and magma degassing budget of Merapi volcano: Evidence from high-temperature gas emissions and crystal melt inclusions, paper presented at Merapi Volcano Decade International Workshop, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Oct 5-9, 1995, 1997.

Allard, P., Proportions des isotopes 13 C et 12 C du carbone émis à haute température par un dome andésitique en cours de croissance; Le Merapi (Indonésie) -- Proportions of C-13 and C-12 isotopes of carbon emitted at high temperature by an andesitic dome during growth; Merapi, Indonesia, C. R. Acad. Sci., Série D, 291:7, 613-616, October 20, 1980. |GeoRef|

Allard, Patrick, Géochimie isotopique et origine de l'eau, du carbone et du soufre dans les gaz volcaniques; zones de rift, marges continentales et arcs insulaires -- Isotope geochemistry and origin of water, carbon, and sulfur of volcanic gases; rift zones, continental margins and island arcs, Doctoral Thesis, Université Paris VII, Paris, France, 107 pp, 1986. |GeoRef|

Andreastuti, S.D.; B.V. Alloway; I.E.M. Smith, A Comprehensive Tephrostratigraphy Framework for Eruption Prediction and Hazard Assessment at Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop II, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Dec 5-9, 1997.

Andreastuti, S.D., B.V. Alloway, I.E.M. Smith, A detailed tephrostratigraphic framework at Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia: implications for eruption predictions and hazard assessment, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue Merapi volcano, 100:1-4, 51-67, 2000. |More|

Arsadi, E.; Suparta S.; Nishimura, Susumu; Katsura, Ikuo, Magnetotelluric, gravimetric and geomagnetic studies at Merapi Volcano, central Java, Indonesia, 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 24-Sept. 3, 1992, Abstracts, 29, 933, 1992. |GeoRef|

Arsadi, E.; S. Suparta; S. Nishimura, Subsurface structure of Merapi inferred from magnetotelluric, gravimetric and geomagnetic surveys, Merapi Volcano Decade International Workshop, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Oct 5-9, 1995, 1997.

Aubert, M.; Nurrahmat, Dana Isya, Interprétation des profils radiaux de polarisation spontanée (PS) en volcanologie: possibilités d'application de la méthode PS à la surveillance des volcans actifs -- Interpretation of the self-potential radial profiles in volcanology; possibility of applying this method to the monitoring of active volcanoes, Bull. Société Géologique de France, Huitième Serie, 165:2, 113-122, 1994. |GeoRef|

Aubert, D.; Longis, C., Étude des risques volcaniques sur l'île de Java, Indonésie, Rapport, 20 pp., 1994.

Aubert, M.; Dana, I.N.; Gourgaud, A., Internal structure of the Merapi summit from self-potential measurements, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue Merapi volcano, 100:1-4, 337-343, 2000.

B Back to Top

Baak, J. A., A comparative study on Recent ashes of the Java volcanoes, Smeru, Kelut, and Merapi, Meded. alg. Proefstn. Landb., Buitenzorg, 83, 1-60, 1949.

Bahar, Irwan, Contribution à la connaissance du volcanisme indonésien: le Merapi (Centre-Java), cadre structural, pétrologie-géochimie et implications volcanologiques, Thèse Univ. Sci. et Tech. Languedoc, Montpellier, 215 pp, 1984.

Bardintzeff, J. M., Merapi Volcano (Java, Indonesia) and Merapi-type nuée ardente, Bull. Volcanol., 47, 433-446, 1984.

Bardintzeff, J. M., Calc-alkaline nuees ardentes; a new classification, Geophysics and volcanism; colloquium; International geological congress, 27, Moscow, USSR, 1984, Journal of Geodynamics, 3:3-4, 303-325, 1985. |GeoRef|

Bardintzeff, J. M., Les nuées ardentes, La Recherche, 18:194, 1462-1470, 1987. |GeoRef|

Beauducel, F.; Briole, P.; Cornet, F. H.; De Natale, G., Limits and benefits from ground deformation measurements for volcanological monitoring, 9th International Congress on Rock Mechanics: workshop "Movements of rock masses", Paris, August 26, 1999. |Abstract|

Beauducel, F.; Cornet, F. H., Integrating satellite and ground deformation data as a new technique for monitoring magmatic activity, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta Oct 5-9, 1995, poster.

Beauducel, F.; Cornet, F. H., Collection and three-dimensional modeling of GPS and tilt data at Merapi volcano, Java, J. Geophys. Res., 104:B1, 725-736, 1999. |More|

Beauducel, F.; Cornet, F. H.; Suhanto, E.; Surono, Contraints on the plumbing system from displacements and tilt data at Merapi Volcano, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop II, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Dec 5-9, 1997, abstract & oral presentation.

Beauducel, F.; Cornet, F. H.; Suhanto, E.; Duquesnoy, T.; Kasser, M., Constraints on magma flux from displacements data at Merapi volcano, Java, J. Geophys. Res., 105:B4, 8193-8204, 2000. |More|

Beauducel, F.; Cornet, F. H.; Tjetjep, W. S., Constraints from GPS and tilt data on the magma flux at Merapi volcano, Java, EGS XXIII General Assembly, Nice 20-24 April 1998, Annales Geophysicae, 16:8, Suppl. 1, 186, 1998. |GeoRef|.

Beauducel, F.; Jousset, P.; Cornet, F. H.; Diament, M., Déformations et variations de pesanteur associées à l'évolution du dôme du Merapi entre 1993 et 1996, Société Géologique de France, seminar on "Les dômes de lave: construction et destruction", Paris, 13 mars 1997, abstract & oral presentation.

Beauducel, F.; Suhanto, E.; Cornet, F. H., Constraints from displacements and tilt data on the magma chamber at Merapi (Java), AGU Fall Meeting 1998, poster V42A-14. |More|

Beauducel, F., Étude des déformations au volcan Merapi (Java) : mesures GPS et clinométriques et modélisation 3D élastique de l'effet du dôme 1993-1994, Congrès de l'École Doctorale des Sciences de la Terre (Univ. Paris VII), Paris, 3-4 juin 1996, abstract & oral presentation. |More|

Beauducel, F., Études de déformation au Merapi: GPS, inclinométrie et extensométrie, 200 pp, 5 rapports de mission, Délégation aux Risques Majeurs - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris - Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, 1994-1997.

Beauducel, F., Modèle de déformations d'un édifice volcanique : étude de la stabilité et du champ de contrainte initial dans le massif. Application au Merapi (Java), Congrès de l'École Doctorale des Sciences de la Terre (Univ. Paris VII), Paris, mai 1995, abstract & poster. |More|

Beauducel, F., Modélisation 3D élastique des déformations du volcan Merapi (Java, Indonésie) : synthèse de 4 années de mesures GPS et clinométriques, Congrès de l'École Doctorale des Sciences de la Terre (Univ. Paris VII), Paris, mai 1997, abstract & oral presentation. |More|

Beauducel, F., Rapports d'activité de Coopérant du Service National VSI - Bandung, Délégation aux Risques Majeurs - Ministère des Affaires Étrangères - Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, 1992-1994. |More|

Beauducel, F., Studi deformasi di Gunung Merapi, 3 laporan misi kerja, Direktorat Vulkanologi, 1994-1997.

Beauducel, François, Structures et comportement mécanique du volcan Merapi (Java) : une approche méthodologique du champ de déformations -- Structures and mechanical behaviour of Merapi Volcano, Java: a methodological approach of the deformation field, 260 pp, Thèse de Doctorat, Univ. Denis Diderot Paris VII, 1998. |More|

Beisser-Dresel, Martin, Merapi; Einblicke in einen Hochrisiko-Vulkan; Merapi; a moment in a high risk volcano, AGF-Jahresheft, 1995, 51-52, 1995. |GeoRef|

Berthommier, P. C.; Bahar, I.; Boudon, G.; Camus, G.; Gourgaud, A.; Lajoie, J.; Vincent, P. M., Le Merapi et ses éruptions: importance des mécanismes phréatomagmatiques -- Merapi and its eruptions; the importance of phreatomagmatic mechanisms, Bull. Société Géologique de France, Huitième Serie, 163:5, 635-644, 1992. |GeoRef|

Berthommier, P. C.; Camus, G.; Condomines, M.; Vincent, P. M., Le Merapi (centre Java): éléments de chronologie d'un stratovolcan andésitique -- Merapi, central Java: chronology of an andesitic stratovolcano, C. R. Acad. Sci., Série 2, 311:1, 213-218, 1990. |GeoRef|

Berthommier, P. C.; Camus, G.; Gourgaud, A.; Vincent, P. M, L'éruption de juin 1984 du Merapi (Centre Java, Indonesie): aspects dynamiques et magmatologie -- The June 1984 eruption of Merapi (central Java, Indonesia); dynamic and magmatological aspects, Onzieme Réunion Annuelle des Sciences de la Terre, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Mar. 25-27, 1986, 11, 16, 1986. |GeoRef|

Berthommier, P. C.; Camus, G.; Vincent, P. M., Les Cendres ocres de Gumuk: un repère dans l'évolution du Merapi (centre Java) -- Ocher cinders from Gumuk: a marker in the evolution of Merapi, central Java, 13e Réunion Annuelle des Sciences de la Terre, Grenoble, France, April 2-4, 1990, 13, 15, 1990. |GeoRef|

Berthommier, Pascale-Claire, Étude volcanologique du Merapi: téphro-stratigraphie et chronologie - produits éruptifs, 180 pp., Thèse de Doctorat, Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II, Clermont-Ferrand, 1990.

Berthommier, P.C.; Camus, G.; Gourgaud, A; Vincent, P.M., Merapi (Center of Java): History and structural evolution, The indonesian-french volcanological workshop: Evaluation of the first 5 years cooperation, DRM-VSI, 102-104, 1993.

Brodscholl, A., S.B. Kirbani, B. Voight, Sequential dome-collapse nuées ardentes analyzed from broadband seismic data, Merapi Volcano, Indonesia, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue Merapi volcano, 100:1-4, 363-369, 2000. |More|

Boudon, G.; Camus, G.; Gourgaud, A; Lajoie, J., The 1984 nuée-ardente deposits of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia: Stratigraphy, textural characteristics and transport mechanisms, Bull. Volcanol., 55, 327-342, 1993.

Boudon, G.; Camus, G.; Gourgaud, A; Lajoie, J., The 1984 nuée-ardente deposits of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia: Stratigraphy, textural characteristics and transport mechanisms, The indonesian-french volcanological workshop: Evaluation of the first 5 years cooperation, DRM-VSI, 10-15, 1993.

Bourdier, J.L.; Abdurachman E.K., Decoupling of small volume pyroclastic flows and related hazards at Merapi volcano, Particulate Gravity Currents Conference, Leeds, 1998.

Brissaud, I.; de Chateau-Thierry, A.; Frontier, J. P.; Lagarde, G., Analysis of geological standards with PIXE and PIGE techniques; applications to volcanic rocks, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 102:1, 131-141, 1986. |GeoRef|

Brouwer, H. A., The association of alkali rocks and metamorphic limestone in a block ejected by the volcano Merapi (Java), Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (1990), 48, 166-189, 1945. |GeoRef|

C Back to Top

Camus, G.; Berthommier, P.; Gourgaud, Alain; Bahar, I.; Boudon, G.; Lajoie, Jean, The June 1984 eruption of Merapi (Java, Indonesia), IAVCEI General Assembly, Santa Fe, NM, United States, June 25-July 1, 1989, :1989, 40, April 1, 1989. |GeoRef|

Camus, G., The Gumuk Ashes: An Important Stratigraphic Marker within The Recent Merapi Deposits, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop II, UNESCO-VSI,Yogyakarta Dec 5-9, 1997.

Camus, G.; Gourgaud, A.; Mossand-Berthommier, P.C.; Vincent, P.M., Merapi (Central Java, Indonesia): An outline of the structural and magmatological evolution, with a special emphasis to the major pyroclastic events, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue Merapi volcano, 100:1-4, 139-163, 2000.

Capaccioni, B.; Rodriguez, S., Volcan de Colima; present activity inferred from stratigraphic records and geochemical data, IAVCEI General Assembly, Santa Fe, NM, United States, June 25-July 1, 1989, :1989, 41, April 1, 1989. |GeoRef|

Carn, S.A., The Lamongan volcanic field, East Java, Indonesia: Physical volcanology, historic activity and hazards, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 95:1-4, 81-108, 2000.

Carn, S.A., and C. Oppenheimer, Remote monitoring of Indonesian volcanoes using satellite data from the Internet, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 21, 873-910, 2000.

Carn, Simon A., Persistent volcanism in Indonesia, PhD thesis, Cambridge University, UK, 263 pp, 1999. |More|

Chida, Y.; Hariyono, Ir, Mt. Merapi pyroclastic flow and lahar disaster, Indonesia, Landslide News, 9, 31-32, December 1, 1995. |GeoRef|

Clarke, A.B., B. Voight, Pyroclastic current dynamic pressure from aerodynamics of tree or pole blow-down, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue Merapi volcano, 100:1-4, 395-412, 2000. |More|

Clocchiatti, R.; Joron, Jean-Louis; Kerinec, F.; Treuil, M., Quelques données préliminaires sur la lave du dome actuel du volcan Merapi (Java, Indonésie) et sur ses enclaves -- Preliminary data on lava from the present dome of the volcano Merapi (Java, Indonesia) and on its xenoliths, C. R. Acad. Sci., Série 2, 295:9, 817-822, 1982. |GeoRef|

Condomines, M.; Berthommier, P. C.; Camus, G.; Tanguy, J. C., Déséquilibres 226 Ra- 230 Th et cinétique du transfert des magmas; exemples du Merapi et de l'Etna -- 226 Ra/ 230 Th disequilibrium and kinematics of magma transfer; Merapi and Mount Etna, 14e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre; macro et micro regards sur la terre, Toulouse, France, April 13-15, 1992, 14:2, 42, 1992. |GeoRef|

Condomines, M., Déséquilibres radioactifs et volcanologie - CRV URA 10 Clermont-Ferrand; The "Radioactive Disequilibria and Volcanology" task force from the CRV and URA 10, Clermont-Ferrand, Programme dynamique et bilans de la Terre; Résultats des travaux 1988-1992, INSU-CNRS, Paris, France, 1992. |GeoRef|

Condomines, M.; Sigmarsson, O., Why are so many arc magmas close to 238 U- 230 Th radioactive equilibrium?, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57:18, 4491-4497, September 1, 1993. |GeoRef|

Constantine, E.K. and B. Voight, The 200-year eruptive history of Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia, Undergraduate Thesis, Penn. State University, 1996. |More|

D Back to Top

Dana, Isya Nurrahmat, Contribution de la méthode de polarisation spontanée (PS) à la connaissance structurale et à la surveillance de quelques volcans indonésiens -- Use of the spontaneous polarization method in structural studies and monitoring of some Indonesian volcanoes, Doctoral Thesis, Universite de Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 162 pp, 1992. |GeoRef|

Dana, I.; Aubert, M., Possibilities of the self-potential method (PS) for the monitoring of the indonesian active volcanoes, The indonesian-french volcanological workshop: Evaluation of the first 5 years cooperation, DRM-VSI, 105-107, 1993.

Dejean, M., Rapports d'activité CSN au Merapi Volcano Observatory - Yogyakarta, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères - Délégation aux Risques Majeurs - Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, 1994-1995.

del Marmol, M.-A.; Marsh, B. D., Merapi Volcano, central Java, Indonesia; petrology and geochemistry, International congress of geochemistry and cosmochemistry, Paris, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 1988, Chemical Geology, 70, 86, August 1, 1988. |GeoRef|

del Marmol, M.-A.; Marsh, B. D., Merapi Volcano, central Java; source rocks and prediction of the eruptive behavior of the volcano, AGU, 1994 fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, Dec. 5-9, 1994, Eos, Transactions, AGU, 75:44, Suppl., 731, November 5, 1994. |GeoRef|

del Marmol, Mary-Ann, The petrology and geochemistry of Merapi Volcano, central Java, Indonesia, Doctoral Thesis, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD, United States, 402 pp, 1990. |GeoRef|

Delorme, H.; Javoy, M.; Cheminee, J. L.; Pineau, F., Chemical and isotopic compositions of volcanic gases from island arc and continental margins, First meeting of the European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg, France, April 13-16, 1981, Terra Cognita, Special issue:1, 79, 1981. |GeoRef|

Dewi, S.; Yudiantoro, D. F., Granulometric analysis of 1992 pyroclastic flow, Merapi, central Java, Indonesia, International Volcanological Congress, IAVCEI, Ankara, Turkey, Sept. 12-16, 1994. |GeoRef|

Diament, M., P. Jousset, C. Deplus, T. Duquesnoy, F. Beauducel, and S. Dwipa, Microgravity and elevation studies at Merapi volcano, IUGG XXI General Assembly, Boulder, July 2-14, 1995.

Diament, M., S. Bonvalot, P. Jousset, C. Deplus, and G. Gabalda, Microgravity survey on some active volcanoes: Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion), Merapi (Indonesia), Masaya (Nicaragua) and Soufrière (Guadeloupe), AGU Chapman Conf. on Microgal Gravimetry: Instruments, Observations and Applications, March 3-7, 1997, San Augustin, 1997.

Djoko Legowo, I., Volcanic debris control applied in Indonesia, Journal of Hydrology. New Zealand, 20:1, 71-79, 1981. |GeoRef|

Donnadieu, F., Élaboration d'une méthode d'évaluation des risques volcaniques à Java, Indonésie, rapport CIFEG, 27 pp., 1996.

Dvorak, J. J.; Said, H.; Hadisantono, R. D.; Rahardja, N.; Mulyadi, D.; Reksowirogo, D.; Restikadjaja, K., Geodetic measurements at Indonesian volcanoes, Report OF 87-0130, U. S. Geol. Surv., 40 pp, 1987. |GeoRef|

Dvorak, J. J.; Pardyanto, Liek; Matahelumual, J., Scientific results of the VSI-USGS cooperative volcanological program; January 1982 to June 1982, Report OF 84-0020, U. S. Geol. Surv., Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, HI, United States, 58 pp, 1984. |GeoRef|

E Back to Top

Ege, J. R.; Sutikno, Mitigation of hazards from future lahars from Mount Merapi in the Krasak River channel near Yogyakarta, central Java, Report OF 83-0596, U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States, 8 pp, 1983. |GeoRef|

Escher, B. G., On a classification of central eruptions according to gas pressure of the magma and viscosity of the lava - on the character of the Merapi eruption in Central Java, Overdruk uit Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen, VI-1, 45-48, 1933.

Escher, B. G., On the character of the Merapi eruption in central Java, Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, 51-58, 1933. |GeoRef|

F Back to Top

Fischer, T. P.; Williams, S. N.; Pan, L.; Penrose, B.; Stetter, J., Field tests of volcanic gas monitor; prototype for continuous chemical monitoring of fumarole gases, AGU, 1994 fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, Dec. 5-9, 1994, Eos, Transactions, AGU, 75:44, Suppl., 718, November 5, 1994. |GeoRef|

Friedel, S. F. Jacobs, Ch. Flechsig, C. Reissmann, R. Klimmek, Resistivity Imaging and Monitoring of Spontaneous Potential at Merapi Volcano 1997, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop II, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Dec 5-9, 1997.

Friedel, S.; Jacobs, F., Large scale resistivity imaging at Merapi Volcano, 23rd EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998, Annales Geophysicae, 16, Suppl. 1:8, 180, 1998. |GeoRef|

Friedel, S.; Jacobs, F., Large scale electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) investigation at Merapi volcano, Central Java, submitted to J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 1998b.

Friedel, S.; Jacobs, F; Flechsig, Ch; Reißmann, C; Brunner, I, Large-scale resistivity investigation at Merapi volcano, 1st Merapi-Galeras-Workshop, Potsdam, 25 June 1998, DGG Special Issue, 1999.

G Back to Top

Gauthier, P. J.; Condomines, M., Radon loss from magmas; degassing mechanisms and consequences on (super 226) Ra- (super 210) Pb disequilibria in lavas, 23rd EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, April 20-24, 1998, Annales Geophysicae, 16, Suppl. 1:8, 188, 1998. |GeoRef|

Gerlach, T. M., Interpretation of the Merapi Field gas chromatograph data, Workshop of the IAVCEI Working Group on Volcanic Gases, Paris, France, July 3-4, 1980, Bull. Volcanol., 45:3, 249-251, 1982. |GeoRef|

Gerlach, T. M.; Le Guern, F., Interpretation of the Merapi Field gas chromatograph data, Bull. Volcanol., 45:3, 249-251, 1982.

Gerstenecker, C., G. Jentzsch, G. Läufer, A. Weise, Microgravity and GPS Measurements at Merapi Establishment of A New Network, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop II, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Dec 5-9, 1997.

Gerstenecker, C., G. Jentzsch, G. Läufer, I. Suyanto and A. Weise, The Gravity Field and Secular Gravity Changes at Mount Merapi, Indonesia, submitted to J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 1998.

Gerstenecker, C., Imam S., Kirbani S.B., G. Läufer, Sarkowi, Mapping of Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies Around Merapi and Merbabu, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop II, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Dec 5-9, 1997.

Gerstenecker, C., Jentzsch, G., Heinrich, R., Kracke, D., Läufer, G. and Suyanto, I., Microgravity at Merapi Volcano: Results of the first two campaigns, 1st Merapi-Galeras-Workshop, Potsdam, 25 June 1998, DGG Special Issue, 1999.

Gerstenecker, C., Läufer, G., Snitil, B. and Suyanto, I., Gravity Measurements at Mount Merapi, Indonesia, Journees Luxemburgeoises de Geodynamique, Luxembourg, March 1998.

Gerstenecker, C., Läufer, G., Snitil, B. and Wrobel, B., Digital Elevation Models for Merapi, 1st Merapi-Galeras-Workshop, Potsdam, 25 June 1998, DGG Special Issue, 1999.

Gerstenecker, C., Gravity Measurements at Mount Merapi, Indonesia, Colima Decade Volcano: 6th International Meeting, Colima, 26-31 January, 1998.

Gerstenecker, C., Gravity Measurements at Mount Merapi, Indonesia, Journees Luxemburgeoises de Geodynamique, Luxembourg, March 1998.

Gertisser, R., and J. Keller, The Holocene volcanic activity and magmatic evolution of Merapi volcano, Central Java: constraints from stratigraphic, chronologic and geochemical data, 1st Merapi-Galeras-Workshop, Potsdam, 25 June 1998, DGG Special Issue, 1999.

Gertisser, R., and J. Keller, Tephra-fall deposits from Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia, IAVCEI International Volcanological Congress, Capetown, South Africa, July 11-16, 1998.

Gertisser, R., and J. Keller, Merapi Decade Volcano: Pyroclastic stratigraphy and chronology of 'New Merapi', Geo-Berlin '98, Berlin, Germany, Terra Nostra, 98/3, 51-52, 1998.

Gertisser, R., and J. Keller, Trace element and isotope geochemistry of high-K-calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia, IUGG XXII General Assembly, Birmingham, England, July 19-30, 1999.

Gourgaud, A., Le Merapi, in "Les volcans", Time-Life Ed., 48-51, 1996.

Guilbert, J., Rapports d'activité CSN au Merapi Volcano Observatory - Yogyakarta, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères - Délégation aux Risques Majeurs - Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, 1995-1996.

Gulyas, E.; Deak, G.; Hedervari, P., Research on the relations existing between tectonic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in Java, Proceedings of the symposium on Andean and Antarctic volcanology problems, Santiago, Chile, September, 1974, IAVCEI, 562-576, 1976. |GeoRef|

H Back to Top

Hadikusumo, D., Preliminary report on the Mt. Merapi volcanic eruption, Indonesia, 7 January 1969, Report , Geol. Surv. Indones., Volcanol. Surv., Bandung, Indonesia, 6 pp, February 10, 1969. |GeoRef|

Hadikusumo, D., Original reports from the correspondents of the IAVCEI Working Group on Mitigation of Volcanic Disasters; Indonesia, Bull. Volcanol., 38, Supplement, 58-62, 1975. |GeoRef|

Hammer, J.; Cashman, K. V., A textural analysis of 1986-1994 Merapi dome lavas and pyroclasts from the 1994 eruption, Merapi Decade Volcano International Workshop, UNESCO-VSI, Yogyakarta, Oct 5-9, 1995, 1997.

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