Curriculum Vitae




    Mar. 2010 Ph.D. in planetary geophysics at IPGP, Mass wasting dynamics by modelling and remote-sensing analysis. Supervisors: A. Mangeney - D. Mège
    Jun. 2006 : M.S. in geosciences at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
    Jun. 2005 : M.S. in planetary sciences at université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France


Research Topics





Computer Skills


    ∙ Experience in using and managing
    UNIX systems (Solaris, IRIX, FreeBSD, Linux, OS X) and Windows systems

    ∙ Knowledge of several programming languages:
    Fortran (77 & 95), MatLab/Octave, IDL, C, Gnuplot, OpenMP, html, php, css

    ∙ Advanced user skills in scientific sofwares:
    GMT, ISIS 3, Grass, Er Mapper, ENVI, ArcGIS, NAIF Spice toolkit, Global Mapper,SOCET SET, Surfer, Didger, XmGrace

    ∙ Some user skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, The Gimp, Inkscape, Cadkey, Blender, POV-RAY




Popular science


    ∙ Lecturer at Palais de la Découverte de Paris in geosciences departement (2 years)
    ∙ Democratization of scientific research during the Festival Paris-Montagne 2008 in Paris (one week)




∙ Since 2007, Elected member at Doctorate School council of IPGP
∙ Since 2006, Member of American Geophysical Union (Student Member)
∙ Since 2006, Member of European Geophysical Union (Student Member)
∙ 2006–2007, Member Hekla association (PhD students of IPGP)