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A comprehensive geochimical view on an open-conduit, basaltic feeding system : the 19 july 2020 eruption at Stromboli


IPGP - Îlot Cuvier


Séminaires Systèmes Volcaniques

Zoom seminar

Marija Voloschina

Università di Pisa

To attend online (Zoom meeting): Meeting ID: 841 4785 9123 Password: 839141 Abstract : With its persistent activity of the past 1200 years, Stromboli is recognised as the archetype of an open-conduit volcano. Its eruptive activity comprises continuous degassing and explosive activity that spans variable intensity and magnitude, ranging from persistent low-intensity, hourly, “normal” activity to more violent, “paroxysmal” activity. While the magma source processes that drive normal and paroxysmal are reasonably constrained, the plumbing system and pre-eruptive timescales of intermediate-scale eruptive activity (i.e., major explosions) is less constrained. These key parameters, however, are crucial for developing robust early warning systems and identifying potential precursory signals that can be detected by the monitoring network. The 19 July 2020 major explosion ejected an important amount of juvenile, deep-sourced magma and provides an excellent case study to integrate geochemical datasets on matrix glass, olivine, melt inclusions and embayments with gas measurements from the monitoring network. The here presented geochemical-petrological datasets, integrated with observations from the monitoring network provide a comprehensive framework to discuss the processes that control the broad spectra in eruption magnitude and intensity at Stromboli and its implications for eruption forecast modelling.

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