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  • Crossline Wavefield Reconstruction from Multi-Component Streamer Data: Joint Interpolation and 3D Up/Down Separation by Generalized Matching Pursuit
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Crossline Wavefield Reconstruction from Multi-Component Streamer Data: Joint Interpolation and 3D Up/Down Separation by Generalized Matching Pursuit


IPGP - Îlot Cuvier


Séminaires Géosciences Marines

Salle 310

Dr. Ali Özbek

Scientific Advisor, Schlumberger Cambridge Research

Computation of the 3D up/down separated wavefield at any desired position within a spread of marine streamers is enabled by multicomponent streamers that measure the crossline and vertical components of the particle motion in addition to the pressure. In this talk, I describe the concept of simultaneous interpolation and deghosting and present a technique called Generalized Matching Pursuit (GMP) to achieve this. As a data-dependent method, GMP can operate on data samples that are highly aliased in the crossline direction without relying on assumptions about seismic events such as linearity. The technique is naturally suitable for data with only a small number of sample positions, which may be irregularly spaced. I demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of the GMP method on several synthetic datasets of increasing complexity and in the presence of noise. I then present an example of real data acquired by an experimental multicomponent towed cable array and show the performance of GMP applied to the multicomponent measurements. The real data examples illustrate that GMP reconstructs and deghosts the pressure wavefield onto a 2D receiver grid uniformly sampled at 6.25 m in both the inline and the crossline directions, starting from a very limited number of crossline samples at realistic spacings (i.e., 75 m).