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Évaluer le respect des engagements des Parties dans le cas de l’Accord de Paris


École Normale Supérieure


Séminaires ENS


Mounia Mostefaoui

LMD-ENS & IDDRI Abstract The Paris Agreement within the UNFCCC was based on a bottom-up voluntary commitments of countries submitted their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) regarding reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. INDCs become NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) after ratification. It resulted in the participation of not less than 197 Parties at the negotiation table, with the aim to follow the IPCC recommendations for mitigation by “keeping a global temperature rise this century below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature elevation below 1.5 °C.” The case of the Paris Agreement on climate change is therefore quite unique because almost two hundred parties are invited to freely agree on processes to tackle a common threat for life on earth, without the legal provisions contained in a document like a “Protocol” as for the Kyoto Protocol. Our research question is how to get compliance without legally-binding possible international enforcement in the case of the Paris Agreement, and the associated role of science. Our methodology is based from an original inductive research approach exploiting interviews with about 50 actors chosen for their experience and involvement on this topic. We will discuss our experience within three COPs and present some favorable conditions for getting compliance without enforcement.