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Kick-off meetingChallenges and research perspectives in seismology and geodesy


IPGP - Campus Jussieu


Séminaires de Sismologie

Salle Bleue

PICS, IPGP et Berkeley

PICS1 Objet: Dans le cadre du PICS entre les équipes de sismologie de l'IPGP et de Berkeley, une réunion est prévue le 8 et 9 Janvier 2007 en salle bleue . Elle est ouverte. Lundi 8 Janvier matin 9h30-10h00 F. Cornet: In-situ investigation of hydro-mechanics of faults 10h00-10h30 B. Nadeau: Repeating earthquakes and non-volcanic tremors as indicators of transient fault deformation 10h30-11h00 P. Bernard: Seismic/aseismic transients on faults 11h00-11h20 Coffee break 11h20-11h50 R. Armijo: Titre à preciser 11h50-12h20 R. Burgmann: Geodetic imaging of lithosphere rheology 12h20-12h50 De Chabalier: Geodetic and interferometric studies in Chile 12h50 Lunch Lundi 8 Janvier après-midi 14h00-14h30 R. Allen: Tremors across Cascadia 14h30-15h00 A. Hirn/M. Laigle: Structural studies of large earthquakes regions: examples of the North-Anatolian fault in the region of the Marmara sea and the Antilles subduction zone 15h00-15h30 D. Dreger: Earthquake and non-earthquake source analysis 15h30-16h00 J.P. Vilotte: Earthquake source dynamics: from simulation to inversion 16h00 Coffee break 16h20-16h50 E. Stutzmann: Slab identification from S-wave tomography 16h50-17h20 B. Romanowicz: Anisotropic tomography under the north American continent 17h20-17h50 Y. Capdeville: Homogeneization and seismic tomography 17h50-18h20 N. Shapiro: Seismic noise imaging