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Remote sensing techniques at Observatory of Austral Patagonia OAPA mid-latitude Station (51.5S, 69.3W): Results and a retrospective.


IPGP - Îlot Cuvier


Séminaires Géochimie

Salle 310

Jacobo Salvador

CONICET - Université de Rio Gallegos

Since 2005 the lidar division of CEILAP (Laser and Application Research Center) with researchers from France and Japan conducted the installation of an experimental site measurements of atmospheric parameters in the Patagonian city of Rio Gallegos in southern part of Argentina. The main objective was to study the evolution of the polar vortex on the continent and the stratospheric ozone profile between 15-45 km altitude. The presentation aims at the main techniques of remote sensing carried out in Austral Patagonia, showing the main results as well as the different collaborations in progress