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— GRAND SEMINAIRE DE THEME — Volcanic gases and their role in eruption forecasting and monitoring


IPGP - Îlot Cuvier


Séminaires thème Risques naturels


Marie Edmonds

University of Cambridge

--- GRAND SEMINAIRE DE THEME --- Le séminaire sera suivi d'une discussion informelle autour de quelques rafraichissements à la médiathèque. Volcanoes are spectacular manifestations of material and heat transfer from the interior of our planet. Volcanic activity shapes the surface of Earth as well as maintaining the atmosphere and driving the biological and geochemical cycles that make our planet equitable. Volcanic activity fuels the formation of many of the metal resources that our Society depends on, as well as providing a critical source of energy. But volcanoes also have a dark side: eruptions can be major hazards. Monitoring and forecasting volcanic eruptions effectively is a grand challenge for the future as our planet’s population, particularly at sites of tectonic and volcanic activity, grows. As well as erupting magma and resurfacing the planet, volcanoes are the principal pathway through which the Earth’s volatiles (water, carbon dioxide, sulfur, halogens and trace metals) are transferred from the interior of our planet to the surface environment. Much progress has been made in quantifying the flux and elemental and isotopic composition of volcanic gases, using a range of methods including techniques based on spectroscopy and remotely-operated vehicles. In this seminar I will explore the origins, behaviour and outgassing of volatiles through volcanoes in a range of settings and how volcanic gases may be used for monitoring and eruption forecasting, particularly when integrated with other datasets. The lecture will focus on the grand challenges in this field, and what the future may hold in terms of research, opportunities, technical development and impact.

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