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Robin Lacassin

Robin Lacassin
Informations principales
Chercheur / Enseignant-chercheur
Tectonique et mécanique de la lithosphère
IPGP - Bureau 216 - 1, rue Jussieu - 75238 Paris cedex 05


Geffroy Thomas, Guillaume B., Simoes M., Replumaz A., Lacassin R., Husson L., Kermarrec J J. Role of Mantle Drag on the Tectonics of Subduction Zones: Insights From Laboratory Models. Tectonics, American Geophysical Union (AGU), décembre 2023, 42. <10.1029/2023tc008018>

Geffroy Thomas, Guillaume Benjamin, Simoes Martine, Replumaz Anne, Husson Laurent, Lacassin Robin, Kermarrec Jean Jacques. Étude systématique de l'effet de la traction du manteau sur la dynamique des zones de subduction et la déformation de la plaque supérieure. 30 octobre 2023.

Fernández-Blanco David, Lacassin Robin, Gouiza Mohamed, Perez-Diaz Lucia, Magee Craig, Mccarthy Dave, Doré Tony, Péron-Pinvidic Gwenn, Kavanagh Janine L, Bond Clare E, Schmitt Renata. Tektonika: The Community-Led Diamond Open-Access Journal for Tectonics and Structural Geology. Tektonika, University of Aberdeen, 24 juillet 2023, 1. <10.55575/tektonika2023.1.1.56>

Lacassin Robin, Devès Maud, Pécout Hugues, Robert Geoffrey. Risk communication during seismo-volcanic crises: the example of Mayotte, France. 15 mai 2023. <10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7342>

Perez-Diaz Lucia, Lacassin Robin, Magee Craig, Gouiza Moh. Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a time. 15 mai 2023. <10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14679>

Lacassin Robin, Habel Tania, Replumaz Anne, Guillaume Benjamin, Simoes Martine, Geffroy Thomas, Kermarrec Jean-Jacques. Upper-plate shortening and Andean-type mountain-building in the context of mantle-driven oceanic subduction. 25 février 2023. <10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7182>

Habel Tania, Replumaz Anne, Guillaume Benjamin, Simoes Martine, Kermarrec Jean Jacques, Lacassin Robin. Upper-plate Shortening and Mountain-building in the Context of Mantle-driven Oceanic Subduction. Tektonika, University of Aberdeen, 2023, 1. <10.55575/tektonika2023.1.2.39>

Geffroy Thomas, Benjamin Guillaume, Replumaz Anne, Martine Simoes, Robin Lacassin, Kermarrec Jean-Jacques, Tania Habel. A systematic study of mantle drag effect on subduction dynamics and overriding plate deformation. 2023. <10.5194/egusphere-egu23-2782>

Habel Tania, Simoes Martine, Lacassin Robin, Carrizo Daniel, Aguilar German. A contribution to the quantification of crustal shortening and kinematics of deformation across the Western Andes ( ∼ 20–22° S). Solid Earth, European Geosciences Union, 2023, 14. <10.5194/se-14-17-2023>

Habel Tania, Simoes Martine, Lacassin Robin, Carrizo Daniel, Aguilar German. The western Andes at ~20–22° S: A contribution to the quantification of crustal shortening and kinematics of deformation. 05 octobre 2022. <10.5194/egusphere-2022-629>

Devès Maud H, Lacassin Robin, Pécout Hugues, Robert Geoffrey. Risk communication during seismo-volcanic crises: the example of Mayotte, France. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Copernicus Publ. / European Geosciences Union, 2022, 22. <10.5194/nhess-22-2001-2022>

de Gelder G., Fernández-Blanco D., Öğretmen N., Liakopoulos S., Papanastassiou D., Faranda C., Armijo R., Lacassin R.. Quaternary E‐W extension uplifts Kythira Island and segments the Hellenic Arc. Tectonics, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2022, 41. <10.1029/2022TC007231>

Devès Maud, Lacassin Robin, Pécout Hugues, Robert Geoffrey. Risk communication successes and limits during sismo-volcanic crisis: the example of Mayotte, France. 22 novembre 2021. <10.5194/nhess-2021-164>

Habel Tania, Lacassin Robin, Simoes Martine, Carrizo Daniel, Aguilar Germán. Deformation of the western Andes at ~20–22°S: a contribution to the quantification of crustal shortening. 23 avril 2021. <10.31223/X5N022>

Menant Armel, Angiboust Samuel, Gerya Taras, Lacassin Robin, Simoes Martine, Grandin Raphael. Transient stripping of subducting slabs controls periodic forearc uplift. Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, décembre 2020, 11. <10.1038/s41467-020-15580-7>

Menant Armel, Angiboust Samuel, Gerya Taras, Lacassin Robin, Simoes Martine, Grandin Raphael. Fore-arc building and destruction: a critical interplay between fluid flow, megathrust strength and tectonic underplating. mai 2020. <10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-1783>

de Gelder Gino, Jara-Muñoz Julius, Melnick Daniel, Fernández-Blanco David, Rouby Hélène, Pedoja Kevin, Husson Laurent, Armijo Rolando, Lacassin Robin. How do sea-level curves influence modeled marine terrace sequences?. Quaternary Science Reviews, Elsevier, 01 février 2020, 229. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106132>

Lacassin Robin, Devès Maud H, Hicks Stephen L, Ampuero Jean-Paul, Bossu Rémy, Bruhat Lucile, Wibisono Desianto, Fallou Laure, Fielding Eric, Gabriel Alice-Agnes, Gurney Jamie, Krippner Janine, Lomax Anthony, Sudibyo Muh. Ma'Rufin, Pamumpuni Astyka, Patton Jason, Robinson Helen, Tingay Mark, Valkaniotis Sotiris. Rapid collaborative knowledge building via Twitter after significant geohazard events. Geoscience Communication, 2020, 3. <10.5194/gc-3-129-2020>

de Gelder Gino, Fernández-Blanco David, Melnick Daniel, Duclaux Guillaume, Bell Rebecca, Jara-Muñoz Julius, Armijo Rolando, Lacassin Robin. Lithospheric flexure and rheology determined by climate cycle markers in the Corinth Rift. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, décembre 2019, 9. <10.1038/s41598-018-36377-1>

Menant Armel, Angiboust Samuel, Gerya Taras, Lacassin Robin, Simoes Martine, Grandin Raphael. Fore-arc building and destruction, a critical interplay between fluid flow, megathrust strength and tectonic underplating. décembre 2019.