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Frederic Moynier

Frederic Moynier
Informations principales
Chercheur / Enseignant-chercheur
Professeur de géo/cosmochimie isotopique. Origine des Planètes et de la Lune.
Cosmochimie, astrophysique et géophysique expérimentale (CAGE)
IPGP - Bureau 266 - 1 rue Jussieu - 75238 Paris cedex 05

Contenu / Travaux

Some news :

-7/21:We are very proud of Paolo Sossi, the 2021 Houtermans Awardee:


-04/21: Congrats to Ke Zhu for passing his PhD! On his way to Berlin.

-02/21: La matinale de LCI for Perseverance landing:

-01/21: Welcome to Jiaxin She, PhD student visiting for 6 months from Nanjing University

-01/21/21: Welcome to 2 new graduate students: Linru Fang and Wei Dai.

-12/20: Thanks to the ERC for a new grant!

-12/10/20: Well done Edith Kubik for passing your PhD thesis! Soon to move to Bayreuth.

-11/20 Thanks to the National Academy for the Mme Victor Noury Prize:

- Congrats to Zhengbin for his paper on Mars ' climate :

- A little press release (french) on our recent paper on the Alzheimer's disease :

-Welcome to new lab members: Post-docs Marine Paquet and Yan Hu and PhD students Abigail Robinson and Gabriel Devos!

-New mass-spec delivered-Welcome to the Sapphire: pictures to follow

-Very happy for post-doc Baptiste Debret who got a CNRS researcher position! and former student Mahan for a faculty position in Australia!

-Two lab members took faculty position at Univ. Of Copenhaguen: Zhengbin Deng and Elishevah Van Kooten are now assistant Prof. and post-doc Mike Antonelli will be moving to ETH Zurich.

-Congrats to Zhengbin Deng for his new paper on the origin of Mars warm climate 4.4 Ga:

-Congrats to former PhD student Kun Wang for getting the Houtermans Award 2020:

-Farewell to PhD Elsa Amsellem who will move to Copenhague for a post-doc.

-New paper of PhD student Amsellem on the origin of carbonatites:

-Congrats to  PhD student Zhengbin Deng for his paper on the origin of TTGs:

-Farewell to Paolo Sossi who will take a new position in Zurich.

-Congrats to Paolo for the paper on Cool Moon Formation

-Congratulation to Brandon Mahan for having defended his PhD thesis! Next move for a post-doc in Australia

-Intervention of P. Sossi et F. Moynier in  France Culture:

-Farewell to John Creech who is moving to Maquarie U.

-Welcome to the new post-doc Edward Inglis arriving from Durham U.

-Former PhD student Chizu Kato got an assistant prof. position at Osaka U.

-New paper from PhD student Chizu Kato on the origin of the Moon:

-New paper from Post-doc Paul Savage made the news :

-New paper from Paul Savage :

-Former PhD student Kun Wang got awarded a tenure track professor position at Washington University in St Louis!

-Post-doc Paul Savage got a lecturer position at the Universtiy of St Andrews!

Present group

PhD students:

-Ke Zhu

-Shengyu Tian

-Deze Liu

-Gabriel Devos

-Haoxuan Sun

-Linru Fang

-Wei Dai


-Yan Hu

-Marine Paquet

-Edith Kubik


Frédéric Moynier

Professor (PRCE2), Université de Paris, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

Chaire de Cosmochimie, Sorbonne Paris Cité

co-Theme leader,  Origins, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

Membre honoraire de l'Institut Universitaire de France

Honorary Professor, Washington University in St Louis

Nationality: French Marital situation: married, 2 children Date and place of birth: 10/15/1978, Manosque, France               email:  Age: 42                                                                                     Telephone: +33 (0)1 83 95 77 88  
Research interests
Isotope cosmochemistry. Origin and differentiation of the Earth, the Moon and Planets. Early chronology of the Solar System. Application of stable isotopes to biological and medical sciences.  
2011: Habilitation (HDR). Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. 2002-2006Ph.D. (Thèse) in isotope cosmochemistry. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. 2002: DEA (Ms) of Geophysics (MMGE). Université de Grenoble/Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. 1999-2002Elève Normalien. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. 1996-1999 : Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles, Lycee Thiers, Marseille.
  Employment history 2018-:Professeur Classe Exceptionelle (Full Professor), Chaire de Cosmochimie de Sorbonne Paris Cité, Université de Paris, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris. 2016-2018: Professeur 1iere Classe (Full Professor), Chaire de Cosmochimie de Sorbonne Paris Cité, Université Paris Diderot, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris.
2014-: Membre de l'Institut Universitaire de France 2013-2016: Professeur 2ieme Classe (Associate Professor), Chaire de Cosmochimie de Sorbonne Paris Cité, Université Paris Diderot, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris. 2008-2013: Assistant and Associate (tenure in 2013) Professor, Washington University in St Louis. Directeur de l'équipe de cosmochimie isotopique. 2006 -2007 : Post-doctoral researcher, University of California, Davis, supervisor: Qing-zhu Yin  
Activity of Trust
Editor in chief (Co) : Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2016-present) Associate editor: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2010-present) Conseil Scientifique de la fondation de l'Université de Paris   University services Sénat académique, Université de Paris (2020-present). Conseil d'administration de l'Institut de Physique du Globe (2017-present)  
Awards and honors
Institut Universitaire de France 2014-19 Kuno medal 2013 (American Geophysical Union) Alfred O. Nier prize 2012 (Meteoritical society) Houtermans medal 2012 (European association of geochemistry) Kuno Lecture 2014 (European Geophysical Union, Vienna). Honorary Professor, Washington University in St Louis (2014-present) Chaire d’Excellence, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2013 European Research Council starting grant, 2015-2021 European Research Council consolidator grant, 2021-2026 Prix Mme Victor Noury de l'Academie des Sciences 2020 Guest Professor, Chinese University of Science, Wuhan 2018- Distinguished fellow, IGG, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences  
PhD and post-docs advised : 16 PhD (10 graduated);  8 post-docs
    These (PhD): Randy Paniello (100%) -2008-2013- PhD, WUSTL, now Prof. at WUSTL. Kun Wang (100%) -2009- 2013 PhD (WUSTL)-now assistant prof. Washington U. Chen Heng (100%) -2011-2014 PhD (WUSTL)-now research scientist, Columbia Univ. Emily Pringle (100%) -2012-2014, 2014-2016 PhD (IPGP)-now post-doc fellow , Columbia Univ. Chizu Kato (100%) -2012-2014 (Master WUSTL), 2014-2017 (IPGP)-now assistant prof. Osaka U. Brandon Mahan (50% with Julien Siebert)-2015-2018 (IPGP)-now lecturer (Assistant Prof.) James Cook Univ. Australia Zhengbin Deng (50% with Marc Chaussidon)-2015-2019 (IPGP)-now Assistant Prof. At Univ. of Copenhaguen Nicholas Badullovich (100%)-2016-2017 (IPGP) Elsa Amsellem (100%)-2016-2019 (IPGP)-now post-doc Copenhaguen Univ. Edith Kubik (100%)-2017-2021 (IPGP)-now post-doc IPGP. Ke Zhu (100%)-2017-2021 (IPGP)-now Humbolt post-doc fellow, Berlin. Deze Liu (50%, Julien Siebert): 2018-present Shengyu Tian (100%): 2018-present Gabriel Devos (50%): 2020-present Haoxuian Sun (50): 2020-present Linru Fang (50%): 2021-present Wei Dai (50%): 2021- present   Post-docs: Paul Savage -2012-2014  (WUSTL) 2014-2015 (IPGP)  now lecturer at St Andrews. U. Julien Foriel-research scientist-2010-2014 (WUSTL) now lab manager Harvard U. Berengere Mougel-2014-2018 (IPGP). Now Staff Scientist at University National of Mexico. Deborah Chavrit-2015-2016 (IPGP). now project scientist IPGP Paolo Sossi-2015-2019 (IPGP).now Post-doc fellow ETH Zurich John Creech-2015-2018(IPGP). Now research scientist at Maquarie U. Kirsten Van Zuilen-2015-2016 (IPGP). now lab manager Univ. Amsterdam. Edward Inglis (2017-2020) (IPGP).now post-doc fellow IPGP Mike Antonelli (2018-2019): now post-doc fellow ETH zurich Baptiste Debret (2019): now CNRS researcher IPGP Elishevah Van Kooten (2018-2020): now assistant Prof. at U. of Copenhaguen. Marine Paquet 2020-present Yan Hu 2020-present Edith Kubick 2021-present     Masters: Jason Kodysz (100%)-2008-2009.-Master student, WUSTL Maxwell Thiemens (100%)-2010- Master (WUSTL). Now PhD student at Koln U. (Germany) Kun Wang (100%)-2009-2011 (WUSTL). Heng Chen (100%)-2011-2013 (WUSTL). Emily Pringle (100%)-2012-2013 (Master WUSTL) Chizu Kato (100%)-2012-2014 (Master WUSTL) Maria Valdes (100%)-2012-2014 (Master WUSTL) Melanie Ravenel (50% with Julien Siebert)(M1, 2014) Elsa Amsellem (50% with Marc Chaussidon)(M1, 2015) Elsa Amsellem (100%) (M2, 2016) Robin Treilles 100% (M2, 2017) Edith Kubik 50% (M2, 2017) Celia Brisson 100% (M2, 2020) Gabriel Devos 100% (M2, 2020) Haoxuan Sun 50% (M2, 2020) Alicia Wolfer 100% (M1, 2020)   Licence (Undergraduate students): Gabrielle Menard -2009-Summer Intern (WUSTL). now post-doc Clermont Ferrand. Charlotte Weinstein -2009-2014 Senior thesis (WUSTL) Jean-Gabriel Fraboulet 2020-1-year intern from ENSG (WUSTL). Cole Bishop -2011-2014, Senior thesis (WUSTL) Bachmai Nguyen-2012-2013, undergraduate (WUSTL) Jennifer Benchetrit- 2016, undergraduate fron ENSG, Nancy (IPGP) Yorane Bensimon-2016 undergraduate fron ENSG, Nancy (IPGP) Ariane Lanteri 2019 undergraduate from IPGP Esther Lahoud 2019 undergraduate from ENS  


*Students and $ post-docs from the lab,

>180 papers  including 15 in Nature and Science journals and 13 PNAS


181 *VanKooten, E., Moynier, F., Day, J. Evidence for transient atmospheres during eruptive outgassing on the Moon, PSJ. In press. 180 Chen, C., Huang, JX, Foley, S., Wang, Z., Moynier, F., Liu, Y., *Dai, W., Li, M. Compositional and pressure controls on calcium and magnesium isotope fractionation in magmatic systems. GCA. 179 *Deng, ZB, Moynier, F., et al. Science Advances, in press. 178 Moynier, F., Le Borgne, M., Laoud, E., Mahan, B., Mouton-Ligier, F., Hugon, J., Paquet, C., Copper and zinc isotopic excursions in the human brain affected by Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring. In press. 177 Moynier, F., Chen, J., Zhang, K., Cai, H., Wang, Z., Jackson, M., Day, J. Chondritic mercury isotopic composition of Earth and evidence for evaporative equilibrium degassing during the formation of eucrites. EPSL. 176 *Sossi, P., Moynier, F., Treilles, R., Mokhtari, M., Wang, X., Siebert, J., An experimentally-determined general formalism for evaporation and isotope fractionation of Cu and Zn from silicate melts between 1300-1500° C and 1 bar. GCA 175 Day, J., $Van Kooten, E., Hofmann E., Moynier, F. Mare basalt meteorites, magnesian-suite rocks and KREEP reveal loss of zinc during and after lunar formation (vol 531, 115998, 2020). EPSL. 174: *Mahan, B., *Antonelli, M., Burkler, P., Turner, S., Chung, R., Habekost, M., Jorgensen, A., Moynier, F. Longitudinal biometal accumulation and Ca isotope composition of the Göttingen minipig brain. Metallomics. 173: *Tian, E., $Inglis, E., $Creech, J., Zhang, W., Wang, Z., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., Moynier, F. The zirconium stable isotope compositions of 22 geological reference materials, 4 zircons, and 3 standard solutions. Chemical Geology. 172: Guo, JL., Wang, Z., Zhang, W., Moynier, F., Cui, D., Hu, Z., Ducea, M., Significant Zr isotope variations in single zircon grain recording magma evolution history. PNAS. 171: Moynier, F., Deng, ZB., Lanteri, A., Martins, R., Chaussidon, M., Savage, P., Siebert, J., Metal-silicate silicon isotopic fractionation and the composition of the bulk Earth. EPSL. 170: He, D., Liu, Y., Moynier, F., Foley, S., Chen, C. Platinum group element mobilization in the mantle enhanced by recycled sedimentary carbonate Earth and Planetary Science Letters 541, 116262 169: *Amsellem, A., Moynier, F.,  Bertrand, H., Bouyon, A., Mata,  J., Tappe, S., Day, J. Calcium isotopic evidence for the mantle sources of carbonatites, 2020 Science Advances 6 (23), eaba3269 168: *Zhu, K., Moynier, F., Schiller, M., Bizzarro, M., Dating and Tracing the Origin of Enstatite Chondrite Chondrules with Cr Isotopes, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 894 (2), L26 167: Day, J., Moynier, F., $Sossi, P., *Wang, K.,   Meshik,A.,  Pravdivtseva, O., Pettit, D. Moderately volatile element behaviour at high temperature determined from nuclear detonation, 2020, GPL, 13, 54-60. 166 : *Mahan, B., Chung, R., Poutney, D., Moynier, F., Turner, S. : Isotope metallomics approaches for medical research. Cellular and Molecular life science (IF=7). 2020, 10.1007/s00018-020-03484-0 165 : *Amsellem, E., Moynier, F., *Mahan, B., Beck, P.  Timing of thermal metamorphism in CM chondrites: Implications for Ryugu and Bennu future sample return. 2020 Icarus 339, 113593 164 : Day, J. $Van Kooten, E., Hofmann, B., Moynier, F. Mare basalt meteorites, magnesian-suite rocks and KREEP reveal loss of zinc during and after lunar formation. 2020 EPSL.531 115998 163 : *Zhu, K., Moynier, F., Schiller, M., Wielandt, D., Larsen, K.K., $Van Kooten, E., Barrat, JA., Bizzarro, M., 2020 Chromium Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of the Ureilite Parent Body. The Astrophysical Journal 888 (2), 126 162: Zhang, Z. Liu, Y., Moynier, F., Zhu, Y ., Wang, Z.,  Hu, Z.,  Zhang, L ., Li, M. Chen, H. 2020 Zinc isotopic composition of the lower continental crust estimated from lower crustal xenoliths and granulite terrains, GCA, 276, 92-102

2019 :

162 : Dai, W., Wang, Z., Chen, C., Liu, Y., Zong, K., Zhou, L., Zhang, G., Li, M., Moynier, F. Mantle pyroxenites could not lead to heterogeneity in Ca isotope compositions of the upper mantle: Insights from mantle xenoliths from Hannuoba, Eastern China. GCA. 161 : *Mahan, B., Siebert, J., Blanchard, I., Badro, J., Kubik, E., Sossi, P., Moynier, F. Investigating Earth's Formation History Through Copper and Sulfur Metal‐Silicate Partitioning During Core‐Mantle Differentiation. 2018 JGR. Reply to comment. 160 : *Van Kooten, E., Moynier, F. Zinc isotope analyses of singularly small samples (< 5 ng Zn): investigating chondrule-matrix complementarity in Leoville. GCA, 261, 248-268. 159 : *Van Kooten, E., Moynier, F., Agranier, A. A unifying model for the accretion of chondrules and matrix. PNAS, 116, 18860-18866 158 : Teng, F., Wang, S., Moynier, F. Tracing the formation and differentiation of the Earth by non-traditional stable isotopes. Science China Earth Sciences, 62, 1702-1715. 157 : Moynier, F., Creech, J., Dallas, J., Le Borgne, M., Serum and Brain natural copper stable isotopes in a mouse model of Alzeimer’s disease. Scientific Reports, 9, 1-7. 156 : *Zhu, K., Sossi, P., Siebert, J., Moynier, F. Tracking the volatile and magmatic history of Vesta from Chromium stable isotope variations in eucrites and diogenite meteorites. GCA, 266, 598-610. 155 : *Creech, J., Moynier, F., Koeberl, C. Volatile loss under a diffusion-limited regime in tektites : Evidence from tin stable isotopes. Chemical Geology, 528, 119279 154 :Potin, S., Schmitt, B., Moynier, F., Beck, P. Some things special about NEAs: Geometric and environmental effects on the optical signatures of hydration. Icarus.333, 415-428. 153 :*Chavrit, D., Moreira, M., Fike, D., Moynier, F. Unusual neon isotopic composition in Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks: Fluorine bearing mineral contribution or trace of an impact event? Chemical Geology 520, 52-59 152 : *Zhu, K., Moynier, F., Wiedlandt, D., Larsen, K.K., Barrat, JA, Bizzarro, M. Timing and Origin of the Angrite Parent Body Inferred from Cr Isotopes. Astrophysical Journal. 877 (1), L13 151 : *Creech, J., Moynier, F. 2019. Tin and zinc stable isotope characterisation of chondrites and implications for early Solar System evolution. Chemical Geology.  511, 81-90 150 : *Wang, W., Wang, Z., Moynier, F., Inglis, E., Tian, S., Li, M., Liu, Y., Hu, Z. Determination of Zr isotopic ratios in zircons using laser-ablation multiple-collector inductively coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry. JAAS, 34, 1800-1809. 149 : Koeberl, K., Montanari, A., Schulz, T., Tush, J., Mougel., B., Moynier, F. GSA special publication, 2019 Late Eocene impact ejecta in Italy:cAttempts to constrain the impactor composition from isotopic analyses of spinel-rich samples. GSA special publication, 542, 347. 148 : Trail. D., Savage, P., Moynier, F., Experimentally determined Si isotope fractionation between zircon and quartz. GCA. 260, 257-274. 147 : Barrett, T.J., Barnes, J., Anand, M., Franchi, I., Greenwood, R., Charlier, B., Zhao, X., Moynier, F., Grady, M.2019 Investigating magmatic processes in the early Solar System using the Cl isotopic systematics of eucrites. GCA. 266, 582-597. 146 :*Sossi, P., Klemme, S., O’Neill, H., Berndt, J., Moynier, F. 2019. Evaporation of moderately volatile elements from silicate melts: experiments and theory. GCA. 260, 204-231 145 : Charnoz, S., Pignatale, F., Hyodo, R., *Mahan, B., Chaussidon, M., Siebert, J., Moynier, F. 2019Planetesimal formation in an evolving protoplanetary disk with a dead zone Astronomy Astrophysics. 144 *Amsellem, E., Moynier, F., Puchtel, I. Evolution of the Ca isotopic composition of the mantle, GCA 2019 143 : *Mougel, B., Moynier, F., Koeberl, C., Wiedlandt, D., Bizzarro, M. 2019 Identification of a meteoritic component using chromium isotopic composition of impact rocks from the Lonar impact structure, India. MAPS 142: *Deng, Z., Chaussidon, M., Guitreau, M., Puchtel, I., Dauhas, N., Moynier, F., An oceanic subduction origin for Archaean granitoids, revealed by silicon isotopes. Nature Geosciences, 1-5 141: Beaty et al. 2019. The potential science and engineering value of samples delivered to Earth by Mars. 54, 3-152, MAPS. sample return 140: Beaty et al. 2019. The potential science and engineering value of samples delivered to Earth by Mars.  54, S3-S152 sample return 139: Day, J., *Sossi, P., Shearer, C., Moynier, F. Volatile distributions in and on the Moon revealed by Cu and Fe isotopes in the 'Rusty Rock' 66095. GCA. 266, 131-143. 138: *Inglis, E., Moynier, F., Creech, J., Deng, ZB, Day, J., Teng, FZ, Bizzarro, M., Jackson, M., Savage, P. 2019 Isotopic fractionation of zirconium during magmatic differentiation and the stable isotope composition of the silicate Earth. GCA. 250, 311-323 137: *Deng, ZB, Chaussidon, M., Savage, P., Robert, F., Pick, F., Moynier, F. 2019 Titanium isotopes as a tracer for the plume or island arc affinity of felsic rocks. PNAS. 16 (4), 1132-1135 136 : *Zhu, K., Liu, J., Moynier, F., Qin, L., Alexander, C., He, Y., 2019 Chromium isotopic evidence for an early formation of chondrules from the Ornans CO chondrites, Astrophysial J. 873 (1), 82 135: Rochette, P., Alac, P, Beck, P. Brocard, G., Cavoisie, A., Debaille, V., Devouard, B., Jourdan, F., *Mougel, B., Moustard, F., Moynier, F., Nomade, S., Osinski, G., Reynard, B., Cornec, J. Pantasma: Evidence for a Pleistocene circa 14 km diameter impact crater in Nicaragua. MAPS. 54 (4), 880-901 134 : Orthous-Daunay, F., Piani, L., Flandinet, L., Thissen, R., Wolters, C., Vuitton, V., Poch, O., Moynier, F., Sugarawa, I., Naraoka, H., Tachinaba, S., Ultraviolet photon fingerprints on chondritic large organic molecules. In press . Geochemical J. 53 (1), 21-32

2018 : 133 : *Deng, ZB, Moynier, F., Sossi, P., Chaussidon, M., Bridging the depleted MORB mantle and the continental crust using titanium isotopes. GPL. 132 : Day, J., Tait, K., Udry, A., Moynier, F., Liu, Y., Neal, C. Rejuvenated martian magmatism from plume metasomatized mantle. 2018 Nature Communication. 9, 4799 131: *Mahan, B., Siebert, J., Blanchard, I., Badro, J., Kubik, E., Sossi, P., Moynier, F. Investigating Earth's Formation History Through Copper and Sulfur Metal‐Silicate Partitioning During Core‐Mantle Differentiation. 2018 JGR. 130: *Sossi, P., Moynier, F., Van Zuilen,K. 2018  PNAS, Volatile loss following cooling and accretion of the Moon revealed by chromium isotopes, 129:* Mahan, B., Moynier, F.,  Jorgensen, A.,  Siebert, J.  2018 Examining the homeostatic distribution of metals and Zn isotopes in Göttingen minipigs Metallomics  10, 1264-1281 128: Ducasse, T., Gougiotis, A., Pringle, E., Moynier, F., Frugier, P., Jollivet P., Gin, S. 2018 Alteration of basaltic glass in silica saturated coordination: analogy with nuclear glass. Applied Geochemistry. 97, 19-31 127 : *Mahan, B., Moynier, F, Siebert, J., Gueguen, B., Agranier, A., Pringle, E., Bollard, J., Conelly, J., Bizzarro, M. 2018 PNAS Volatile element evolution in chondrules through time. 126: *Inglis, E., Moynier, F., Creech, J. High precision Zirconium stable isotope measurements of geological reference materials as measured by double-spike MC-ICPMS, 2018 Chemical Geology, 493, 544-552. 125: Busigny, Chen, Philippot, Moynier, Insight into hydrothermal and subduction processes from copper and nitrogen isotopes in oceanic metagabbros. 2018 EPSL 498, 44-54 124: *Deng, ZB, Moynier, F., Sossi, P., Van Zuilen, K., Chaussidon, M. Lack of resolvable titanium isotopic variations in bulk chondrites. 2018  GCA. 239, 409-419 123: Livermore, B., Connelly, J., Moynier, F., Bizzarro, M. Evaluating the robustness of a consensus 238U/235U for U-Pb geochronology 2018 GCA. 237, 171-183 122 *Mahan, B., Siebert, J., Blanchard, I., Badro, J., Moynier, F. Constraining compositional proxies for the Earth’s accretion and core formation through high pressure and high temperature Zn and S metal silicate partitioning. 2018 GCA, 235, 21-40 121: Bouvier, L., et al. Evidence for extremely rapid magma ocean crystallization and crust formation on Mars. 2018 Nature. 558, 586. 120: *Amsellem, E., Moynier, F., Day,J., Teng, FZ, Puchtel., I. Stable Sr isotopic composition of OIB, MORB, komatiites and Kilauea iki lava lake samples.  2018 Chem. Geol 483, 595-602 119 *Charbonnier, Q., Moynier, F., Bouchez, J., Ba isotope geochemistry.2018  Science Bulletin, 63, 385-394 118 Siebert, J., Sossi, P., Blanchard, I., Mahan, B., Badro, J., Moynier, F. Chondritic Mn/Na ratio and limited post-nebular volatile loss to the Earth. 2018 EPSL.   485, 130-139 117. *Sossi, P., Nebel, O., O’Neill, H., Moynier, F. Progressive  Accretion of Earth's Moderately Volatile Elements revealed by Zn  Isotopes. 2018 Chem. Geol.   477, 73-84 116. *Mougel, B., Moynier F., Goepl, C. Chromium isotopic homogeneity between the Earth, the Moon and enstatite chondrites. 2018  EPSL. 481, 1-8 2017:

115. *Badullovich, Moynier, *Creech, *Sossi and Teng. Tin stable isotopic fractionation during igneous differentiation. 2017 GPL, 5, 24-28 114 : *Mahan, B., Moynier, F., Beck, P., Pringle, E., Siebert, J. . Thermal history and volatile loss in carbonaceous chondrites: insights from water content, Zn isotopes and volatile element abundances. 2017 GCA. 220, 19-35 113. *Kato and Moynier. Gallium isotopic evidence for the origin of moderately volatile elements in planetary bodies and refractory inclusions. 2017 EPSL. 479, 330-339 112 : Dhaliwal, JK, Day, J., Moynier, F. Volatile element loss during planetary magma ocean phases. 2017  Icarus.  300, 249-260. 111 : Bollard, J. Connelly, J., Whitehouse, M, Pringle EA, Bonal, L., Jorgensen, J. Nordlung, A., Moynier, F., Bizzarro, M. Early formation of planetary building blocks inferred from Pb ages of chondrules. 2017 Science. Advances. 3 (8), e1700407 110 : Day, J., Moynier, F., Shearer, C. Last stage magmatic degasing from a volatile depleted Moon. 2017 PNAS. 10.1073/pnas.1708236114 109 : *Kato and Moynier. Gallium isotopic evidence for a volatile depleted Moon. 2017 Science Advances. 3 (7), e1700571 108: Moynier and Fujii: Theoretical isotopic fractionation of magnesium between chlorophylls. 2017 Scientific Reports. 6, 6973,  10.1038/s41598-017-07305-6 107: Rodovská, Z., Magna, T., Zak, K., *Kato, C., *Savage, P., Moynier, F., Skala, R., Jezek, J. Implications for behavior of volatile elements during impacts – zinc and copper systematics in sediments from the Ries impact structure and central European tektites. 2017 MAPS. 106 : Magna, T. Zak, K., Pack, A., Moynier, F. *Mougel, B., Skala R., Jonasova S., Mizera J., Randa, Z. 2017 Zhamanshin astrobleme : O-Cr evidence for a carbonaceous chondrite impactor. 2017 Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00192-5 105. *Pringle, E., Moynier, F. 2017 Rubidium isotopic composition of the Earth, meteorites, and the Moon: evidence for the origin of volatile loss during planetary accretion. 2017 EPSL. 473, 62-70 104 : *Creech, J., Moynier, F. Bizzarro, M. Tracing metal/silicate segregation and late veneer in the Earth and in the ureilite parent body with palladium stable isotopes. 2017 GCA. 216, 28-41 103 *Sossi, P., Moynier, F. 2017 Chemical and isotopic kinship of iron in the Earth and Moon deduced from the lunar Mg-Suite. 2017 EPSL. 471, 125-135 102*Amsellem, E., Moynier, F., Pringle, E., Bouvier, A., Day, J. 2017 Testing the chondrule-rich accretion theory with Ca isotopes. 2017 EPSL. 469, 75-83 101 : *Pringle, E.A., Moynier, F., Beck, P., Paniello, R., Hezel, D.C., 2017. The origin of volatile element depletion in early solar system material: clues from Zn isotopes in chondrules. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett, EPSL, 468, 62-71 100 : *Creech, J., Moynier, F., *Badullovich, N. 2017. Tin stable isotope analysis of geological materials by double-spike MC-ICPMS. Chem. Geol. 457, 61-67. 99. Moynier, F., Shaw, A., LeBorgne M. 2017. Zinc isotopic behavior during Alzheimer’s disease. GPL. 3, 142-150. 98 : Moynier, F. Fujii, T. Ab initio calcualtion of Ca isotopic fractionation between molecules relevant to biology, geology and medical sciences. 2017, Scientific Reports. 7: 44255. 97. Day, J., Moynier, F. Meshik, A., Pradivtseva, O., Petit, D. Evaporative fractionation of volatile elements during the first nuclear detonation.  2017 Science Advances. Vol. 3, no. 2, e1602668 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602668 96. *Mougel, B. Moynier, F. Gopel, C., Koeberl, C. Chromium isotope evidence in impact ejecta for the nature of the impactors of the Sudbury and Vredefort structures. 2017 EPSL. 460, 105-11. 95. *Kato, C., Moynier, F., Foriel, J., Teng, FZ, Puchtel, I. The gallium isotopic composition of the bulk silicate Earth. 2017 Chemical Geology. 448, 164-172 94. *Sossi, P. Moynier, F. Chaussidon, M., Villeuneuve, J., Kato, C., Gounelle, M. Early Solar System Irridiation revealed by correlated vanadium and beryllium isotope variations in meteorites. 2017 Nature Astronomy.  10.1038/s41550-017-0055 93. *Creech, J.Baker, J., Handler, M., Lorand, JP, Storey, M. Moynier, F. Bizzarro, M., Late accretion history of terrestrial planets inferred from stable isotopes. GPL. 2017. 2, 94-104 92. Moynier, F. The isotope geochemistry of Zn. Encyclopedia of geochemistry. 91 : Chaussidon, M. Deng, ZB, Villeneuve, J., Moureau, J., Richter, F., Moynier, F. In situ analysis of non-traditional isotopes by SIMS and LA-MC-ICP-MS: key aspects and the example of Mg isotopes in olivines and silicate glasses. 2017  Review in mineralogy and geochemistry. Vol. 82. 127-164 90.  *Mahan, B., Siebert, J., Pringle, E., Moynier, F. Elemental partitioning and isotopic fractionation of Zn between metal and silicate and geochemical estimation of the S content of the Earth's core. 2017 GCA, 196, 252-270 89. Moynier, F., Vance, D., Fujii, T., Savage, P. The Cu and Zn isotope geochemistry. Review in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. 2017. Vol. 82, 543-600

2016 : 88. *Pringle, E., Moynier, F., Savage, P., Jackson, M., Moreira, M., Day, J. Silicon isotopes reveal recycled altered oceanic crust in the mantle sources of ocean island basalts. 2016 GCA. 189, 282-295 87. *Chen, H., Moynier, F., *Bishop, C., Humayun, M. Cosmogenic effects on Cu isotopes in IVB irons : Implication for the 182Hf-182W chronometry. 2016 GCA. 182, 145-154. 86. *Chavrit, D., Moreira, M., Moynier, F. Estimation of the extraterrestrial 3He and 20Ne fluxes on Earth from He and Ne systematics in marine sediments. EPSL. 2016 436 10-18 85. Defouilloy, C., Cartigny, P., Assayag, N., Moynier, F., Barrat, JA. 2016 High-precision Sulfur isotope (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S) composition of enstatite meteorites and implications of the formation and evolution of their parent bodies. GCA.  172, 393-409 84.  Shahar, A., *Savage, P., Moynier, F. 2016 Stable isotope evidence for differentiation of planetesimals. In. Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets. Cambridge University Press.

2015 : 83. Moynier, F., *Pringle, E., Bouvier, A., Moureau, J. 2015 Ba stable isotopic composition of the Earth, meteorites and refractory inclusions. Chemical Geology. 413, 1-6 82. Chemtob, S. Rossman, G., Young, E., Ziegler, K., Moynier, F., Eiler, J., Hurowitz, J. 2015 Silicon isotope systematics of acidic weathering of fresh basalts, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'I GCA. 169, 63-81 81. Fujii, T., Pringle, E., Chaussidon, M., Moynier, F. 2015 Isotope Fractionation of Si in Protonation/Deprotonation Reaction of Silicic Acid. A New pH Proxy. GCA. 168, 193-205 80. *Kato, C., Moynier, F., *Valdes, M, Day, J. 2015  Extensive volatile loss during formation and differetiation of the Moon. Nature Communication. doi:10.1038/ncomms8617 79. *Savage, P., Moynier, F., Heng, C., Puchtel, I., Badro, J., Siebert, J., Shoffner, G. Isotopic evidence for large-scale sulfide fractionation during the Earth’s differentiation. 2015 Geochemical Perspective Letters. v1, n1  |  doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1506 78. Barrat, JA, Rouxel, O., Wang, K., Moynier, F., et al. Early stages of core segregation recorded by Fe isotopes in an asteroidal mantle. 2015 EPSL. 419, 93-100 77. Moynier, F., Fegley, B. Earth’s building blocks, 2015 AGU monograph : The Early Earth.* 76. Moynier, F., Le Borgne, M. 2015 High precision Zn isotopic measurements in mouse organs. J. Vis. Exp.(99), e52479, doi:10.3791/52479 (2015). 75.*Pringle, E., Moynier, F., Savage, P., Badro, J., Barrat, JA. 2014 Silicon isotopes in angrites and volatile loss in planetesimals. PNAS.111, 17029–17032, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1418889111 74.*Wang, K., Savage, P., Moynier, F., The Fe isotopic composition of enstatite meteorites : implications for their formation and the metal/sulfide Fe isotopic factor. 2014. GCA, 142, 149-155* 73. Fujii, T., Moynier, F., Blichert-Toft, J., Albarede, F. Density functional theory estimation of isotope fractionation of Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn among species relevant to geochemical and biological environments, 2014 GCA 140, 553-576 72. Day, J. & Moynier, F. Evaporative fractionation of volatile stable isotopes and their bearing of the origin of the Moon. 2014 Phil. Transaction of the Royal Society. 372 20130259; DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2013.0259. 71. *Valdes, M., Moreira, M., Foriel, J., Moynier, F., Earth’s building blocks as revealed by Ca isotopes, 2014, EPSL, 394, 135-145. 70. *Wang, K., Day, J., Korotev, R., Ziegler, R., Moynier, F. Fe isotopic evidence for the origin of the solar system’s older felsic crust.2014 Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 392, 124-132 69. *Pringle, E., $Savage, P., Jackson, M., Barrat, JA., Moynier F., Si isotopic homogeneity in the solar nebula, 2014 Astrophysical Journal Letters. 779. 123 68 Magna, T., Simcikova, M., Moynier F., Lithium systematics in howardite-eucrite-diogenite meteorites: Implications for crust-mantle evolution of planetary embryos, 2014 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. 125, 131-145. 67. Beck, P., Garenne, A., Quirico, E., Bonal, L., Montes-Hernandez, Moynier, F., Schmitt, B., Transmission infrared spectra (2-25 microns) of carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM, CV-CK, CR, C2 ungrouped): mineralogy, water, and parent body processes. Icarus.  2014 229, 263-277 66. *Chen, H., *Nguyen, M., Moynier , F. The Zinc isotopic composition of iron meteorites. MAPS. 2013.  48, 2441-2450 65. F. Moynier, Fujji, T., K. Wang and J. Foriel. Ab initio calculations of Fe(II) and Fe(III) effects for citrates, nicotianamines, phytosiderophore, and new Fe isotopic measurements in higher plants. 2013 CRAS. 345, 230-240 64. *Pringle, E., $Savage, P., Badro, J., Barrat, JA., Moynier, F. Redox state during core formation on asteroids. 2013 Earth and Planetary science Letters.373, 75-82 63. $Foriel, J., Moynier, F., Shultz, T., Koeberl, C. Chromium isotope anomaly in an El’gygytgyn crater impactite: Evidence for a ureilite projectile. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences. 2013. 48, 1339-1350 62. *Heng, Z., Savage, P., Teng, FZ, Helz, R., Moynier F., No Zn isotopic fractionation during igneous processes and the Zn isotopic composition of the terrestrial mantle. Earth and Planetary science Letters. 2013. 369-370, 34-42 61. F. Moynier, Andrey Shaw, and Marie Le Borgne. Heterogeneous distribution of natural zinc isotopes in mice. Metallomics  2013. 5, 693 60. Fujii, T.,  Moynier, F.  Abe, M.,  Nemoto, K., Albarede, F.  Copper isotope fractionation between aqueous compounds  relevant to low temperature geochemistry and biology. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta.  2013. 110-29-44 59. Moynier F., Fujii, T., Brennecka, G., Nielsen, S., Nuclear field shift effect in natural environments. Comptes Rendus Geosciences 2013. 345, 150-159 58. *Wang, K.,  Moynier, F., Zanda, B., Barrat, JA,  Paniello, R.. Homogeneous distribution of Fe isotopes in the early solar nebula. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences. 2013. 48, 354-364 57. $Savage, P., Moynier, F.. Si isotopic variations in enstatite meteorites: clues to their origin. 2013 EPSL 361, 487-496 56. Albarede F., Ballhaus, C., Blichert-Toft, J., Lee, CT, Marty, B., Moynier, F., Yin, QZ. 2013 Asteroidal impacts and the origin of terrestrial and lunar volatiles. Icarus. 222, 44-52 55. *Paniello, R., Day, J., Moynier, F., 2012 Zn isotopic evidence for the origin of the Moon. Nature. 490, 376-379 54. F. Moynier, J. Day, W. Okui, T. Yokoyama, A.Bouvier, R.Walker, F.Podosek, Planetary Scale Strontium Isotopic Heterogeneity and the chronology of the volatile depletion in the Early Solar System. 2012 Astrophysical Journal. 758, 45 53. Telus, M., Dauphas, N., Moynier, F., Teng, FZ, Nabelek, P., Craddock, P., Groat, LA., 2012 Iron, zinc and magnesium isotopic fractionation during continental crust differentiation: The tale from migmatites, granites, and pegmatites.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 97, 247-265 52. T. Fujii, F. Moynier, A. Agranier, E. Ponzeverra, M. Abe, A. Uehara, H. Yamana, Nuclear field shift effect in isotopic fractionation of thallium. 2012Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 51*Wang, K., Moynier, F., Podosek, F., and Foriel, J. 2012An iron isotope perspective on the origin of the nanophase metallic iron in lunar regolith. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 337-338, 17-24 50*Wang, K., Moynier, F., Dauphas, N., Barrat, J.A., Craddock, P., Sio, C. 2012 Iron isotope fractionation in planetary crusts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 86, 76-87 49. *Paniello, R., Moynier, F., Beck, P., Barrat, JA., Podosek, F., and Pichat, S. Zinc isotopes in HEDs: clues to the formation of 4-Vesta, and the unique composition of PCA 82502.  2012 Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta. 86, 76-87 48. Beck, P., Pomerol, A., Thomas, B., Schmitt, B., Moynier, F., Barrat, JA. 2012Photometry of meteorites. Icarus 218, 364-377 47. Barrat, JA, Zanda, B., Moynier, F., Bollinger, C., Liorzou, C., and Bayon, G. Geochemistry of CI chondrites revisited: major, trace elements, Cu and Zn Isotopes. 2012 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  85, 79-92 46. *Bishop, MC, Moynier, F., Foriel, J.Cu isotopic composition of iron meteorites. 2012  Meteoritics47, 268-276 45. Pons, M.L, Quitte, G., Fujii, T., Reynard, B., Moynier, F., Douchet, C., Albarede, F., 2011 The 3.8 Ga old serpentine mud volcanoes at Isua, Greenland, as a niche for early life. PNAS 108, 17639-17643 44. Fujii., T.,Moynier, F., Pons, M-L., Albarede, F. 2011 Zn isotope fractionation in sulphide rich solutions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta. 75: 7632-7643 43. Beck,P., Barrat, JA., Grisolle, F., Quirico, E., Schmidt, B., Moynier, F., Gillet, P., Beck, C. 2011, Bi-directional reflectance spectra of HED meteorites in the vis-IR range (0.4-4.6 µm). ICARUS 216 : 560-571 42 *Wang, K. Moynier, F., and Podosek, F. 2011 58Fe and 54Cr in the early solar system. Astrophys. J. Lett. 739, L58 41 Moynier, F., Blichert-Toft, J., *Wang, K., Herzog, G, and Albarede, F. 2011 Elusive 60Fe in the early solar system-Astrophysical Journal. 741:71 40. *Weinstein, C., Moynier, F., *Wang, K., *Paniello, R., †Foriel, J., Catalano, J, and Pichat, S. 2011 Isotopic fractionation of Cu in plants. Chemical Geology- 286, 266-271 39. Jourdan, F., Moynier F., and Koeberl, K. 2011 The 40Ar/39Ar age of the Lonar Crater and consequence for the geochronology of planetary impacts. GEOLOGY. 39, p.671-674 38. Zinner, E., Moynier, F., and Stroud, R. Laboratory Technology and Cosmochemistry. 2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 108: 9135-19141 37. Moynier, F., Yin, QZ., Schauble, E. 2011. Isotopic evidence of Cr partitioning into the Earth’s core. Science 331, 1417-1420. 36. Fujii, T., Moynier, F., Dauphas, N., Abe, M. 2011 Theoritical and Experimental investigation of nickel isotopic fractionation in species relevant to modern and ancient oceans. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 75, 469-482. 35. Moynier F., *Paniello, R., Beck, P., Gounelle, M., Podosek, F., Albarede, F., Zanda, B. 2011. Nature of volatile depletion and genetic relationships in enstatite chondrites and aubrites inferred from Zn isotopes. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 75, 297-307 34 Fujii, T., Moynier, F., Agranier, A., Ponzevera, E., and Abe, M. 2011 Nuclear Field Shift Effect of Lead in Chemical Exchange Reaction Using a Crown Ether. Radiochimica Acta 33 Fujii, T., Moynier, F., Agranier, A., Ponzevera, E., and Abe, M. 2011 Isotope Fractionation of Palladium in Chemical Exchange Reaction. Radiochimica Acta. 32. Moynier F., Agranier, A., and Hezel, D., 2010 Stable isotopic composition of Sr in Earth, Moon, Mars and meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 300, 359-366 31. Moynier F., Beck, P., Yin, QZ, Ferroir, T., Barrat, J.A., *Paniello, R., Telouk, P., and Gillet P. 2010. Volatilization induced by impacts recorded in Zn isotope composition of ureilites. Chemical Geology. 276, 374-379 30. Moynier F. Simon, J., Podosek, F., B. Meyer,  Brannon, J., and DePaolo D. 2010 Ca isotope effect in Orgueil leachates and the implications for the carrier phases of the 54Cr anomalies. Astrophysical Journal Letters 718, L7-L13 29. Blichert-Toft, J, Moynier F., Lee CT, Albarede, F. 2010 Old Pb-Pb age for IV iron meteorites. Earth  and Planetary Science Letters, 296, 469-480 28  Moynier F, Yin, QZ, Irizawa K., Boyet M., Jacobsen B. and Rosing M. 2010. A coupled 182W-142Nd constraint on early Earth differentiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 107, 10810-10814 27. Fujii, T., Moynier, F., Abe, M., and Telouk, P. Experimental and theoretical investigation of isotope fractionation of Zn. 2010. Journal of Physical chemistry A. 114, 2543-2552. 26. Balter, V., Zazzo, A., Moloney, A., Moynier, F., Schmidt, O., Monahan, F., Albarede, F.,2010 Bodily variability of zinc natural isotope abundances in sheep. Rapid Com. on Mass Spec. 24, 605-612 25. Moynier, F., Koeberl, C., Beck, P., and Jourdan, F. 2010 Isotopic fractionation of Cu in tektites. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 74, 799-807 24. Fujii, T., Moynier F., Uehara, A., Abe, M., Yin, QZ, Nagai, Takayuki; Y.,2009.Mass-Dependent and Mass-Independent Isotope Effects of Zinc in a Redox Reaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 113, 12225-12232 23  Moynier F., Fujii T., Albarede F. 2009 Nuclear field shift effect as a possible cause of Te isotopic anomalies in the early Solar System. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences. 44, 1735-1742 22. Moynier F., Koeberl C., Quitté G., and Telouk P., 2009 A tungsten isotope approach to search for meteoritic components in terrestrial impact rocks.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 286, 35-40 21 Simon. J., Depaolo D., and  Moynier F.,  2009.  Ca isotopic compositions of meteorites, Earth and Mars. Astrophysical Journal. 702, 707-715 20. Moynier F., Dauphas, N., and Podosek, F., 2009. A search for 70Zn isotopic anomalies in meteorites. Astrophysical Journal Letters. 700 L92-L95. 19 Fujii T., Moynier F. and Albarède F . 2009 Nuclear Field Shift Effect in Chemical Exchange Reactions. Chemical Geology, 267,  139-156, 18.Herzog G., Moynier F., Albarede F., and Berezhnoy A. 2009. Isotopic and elemental abundances of copper and zinc in lunar basalts, glasses, and soils, a terrestrial basalt, Pelé’s hair, and Zagami. Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta. 73, 5884-5904 17 Fujii T., Moynier F. and Albarède F. 2009. Isotope Fractionation of Cadmium in Chemical Exchange Reaction Using Solvent . Chemical Geology. 267, 157-163 16 Moynier F.; Jourdan F.; Yin; QZ; Beck P.; Koeberl C.; and Reimold U.2009. Isotopic fractionation of Zn in tektites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277, 482-489 15 Moynier F. Fujii T and Telouk. P.. Mass-independent isotopic fractionation of Tin in chemical exchange reaction using a crown ether. 2009. Analytica Chimica Acta. 632, 634-639. 14 Moynier F., Pichat S., Pons M.L., Fike D. , Balter V., and Albarède F.,2009, Isotopic fractionation and transport mechanisms of Zn in plants. Chemical Geology. 267, 125-130 13 Jacobsen B., Yin, QZ, Moynier F., Amelin, Y., Krot S. Nagashima K. , Hutcheon I., and Palme H. S. 2008. Al-Mg and Pb-Pb systematics in Allende CAIs: Canonical solar initial 27Al/26Al ratio reinstated. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 278: 353-364 12 Moynier F., Fujii T., Telouk P and Albarède F. 2008. Isotope separation of Te in chemical exchange system with Dyclohexano-18-crown-ether-6. Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Technology. Suppl. 5. 10-14. 11 Fujii T., Moynier F., Yin, QZ, and Yamana H. 2008. Mass-independent isotope fractionation in the chemical exchange reaction of chromium (III) using a crown ether. Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Technology. Suppl. 5. 6-9 10 Bosch D., Blichert-Toft J., Moynier F., Nelson BK, and Albarede F. 2008. Pb, Hf and Nd isotope compositions of the two Reunion volcanoes (Indian Ocean): a tale of two small-scale mantle "blobs"? Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 265, 748-768. 9 Moynier F., Yin QZ and Jacobsen B. 2007 Dating the First Stage of Planet Formation. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 671, L181-L183. 8  Bouvier A., Blichert-Toft J., Moynier F., Vervoort J. and Albarède F. 2007. New Pb-Pb ages relevant to the accretion and cooling history of chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, 71, 1583-1604. 7 Yin Q.-Z., Jacobsen B., Moynier F. and Hutcheon I. D. 2007. Toward Consistent Chronology in the Early Solar System: High Resolution 53Mn-53Cr Chronometry for Chondrules. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 662, L43-L46. 6 Moynier F., Blichert-Toft J., Luck J.M., Telouk P. and Albarede F. 2007. Comparative stable isotope geochemistry of Ni, Cu, Zn, and Fe in chondrites and iron meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71. 4365-4379 5 Fujii T., Moynier F. and Albarède F. 2006 Nuclear field vs nucleosynthetic effects as cause of isotopic anomalies in the early Solar System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 247,1-9. 4 Moynier F., Bouvier A., Blichert-Toft J., Telouk P., Gasperini D., and Albarède F. 2006 Eu isotopic variations in Allende CAI and the nature of mass-dependent fractionation in the solar nebula. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 4287-4294. 3 Moynier F., Albarède, F and Herzog G. Isotopic fractionation of Zn, Cu and Fe in lunar materials. 2006. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70. 6103-6117 2 Fujii T., Moynier F. and Albarède F. 2006 Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation of Molybdenum and Ruthenium and the Origin of Isotopic Anomalies in Murchison. The Astrophysical Journal, 647, 1506-1516. 1 Fujii T., Moynier F. and Albarède F. 2006. Isotope Fractionation of Iron(III) in Chemical Exchange Reaction Using Solvent Extraction Technique with a Crown Ether. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110, 11108-11112.




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MAMI - Applications médicales des isotopes stables

MAMI - Applications médicales des isotopes stables

Les éléments tels que le Cu et le Zn jouent des rôles essentiels dans le fonctionnement normatif du cerveau, et leur dérèglement est donc intrinsèquem...