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Marina Rosas-Carbajal

Marina Rosas-Carbajal
Informations principales
Chercheur / Enseignant-chercheur
Systèmes volcaniques
IPGP - Bureau 438 - 1, rue Jussieu - 75238 Paris cedex 05


Kereszturi Gabor, Heap Michael, Schaefer Lauren, Darmawan Herlan, Deegan Frances, Kennedy Ben, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Mead Stuart, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Ryan Amy, Troll Valentin, Villeneuve Marlène, Walter Thomas. Porosity, strength, and alteration – Towards a new volcano stability assessment tool using VNIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, janvier 2023, 602. <10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117929>

Heap Michael, Harnett Claire, Nazarbayov Tofig, Heng Zhen, Baud Patrick, Xu Tao, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. The influence of heterogeneity on the strength of volcanic rocks and the stability of lava domes. Bulletin of Volcanology, Springer Verlag, 2023, 85. <10.1007/s00445-023-01669-6>

Heap Michael, Troll Valentin, Harris Chris, Gilg H. Albert, Moretti Roberto, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Baud Patrick. Whole-rock oxygen isotope ratios as a proxy for the strength and stiffness of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Bulletin of Volcanology, Springer Verlag, août 2022, 84. <10.1007/s00445-022-01588-y>

Roche Ignácio Lázaro, Pasquet Sylvain, Chalikakis Konstantinos, Mazzilli Naomi, Rosas-Carbajal M., Decitre J-B., Batiot-Guilhe Christelle, Serene Leila, Emblanch Christophe, Marteau Jacques, Gaffet Stéphane. Water resource management: the multi-technique approach of LSBB and its muon detection projects (chapter 7). 26 janvier 2022.

Gibert Dominique, de Bremond d'Ars Jean, Carlus B., Deroussi Sébastien, Ianigro Jean-Christophe, Jessop David E, Jourde Kevin, Kergosien Bruno, Le Gonidec Yves, Lesparre Nolwenn, Rosas-Carbajal Marina. Observation of the Dynamics of Hydrothermal Activity in La Soufrière of Guadeloupe Volcano with Joint Muography, Gravimetry, Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Seismic and Temperature Monitoring. 07 janvier 2022, 270. <10.1002/9781119722748.ch5>

Goy Corinne, Marteau Jacques, Chevalier Antoine, Karyotakis Yannis, Elles Sabine, Cohu Amélie, Chefdeville Maximilien, Rosas Carjabal Marina, Avgitas Theodoros. Muographie d'un tumulus: problématiques liées à la simulation de l'ensemble expérimental. 01 novembre 2021.

Jessop D.E., Moune Séverine, Moretti Roberto ·, Gibert Dominique, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Robert Vincent, Heap Michael J., Bosson Alexis, Bonifacie Magali, Deroussi Sébastien, Dessert Celine, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Lemarchand Arnaud, Burtin Arnaud. A multi-decadal view of the heat and mass budget of a volcano in unrest: La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Bulletin of Volcanology, Springer Verlag, 21 février 2021, 83. <10.1007/s00445-021-01439-2>

Heap Michael J, Baumann Tobias S, Rosas‐carbajal Marina, Komorowski Jean‐christophe, Gilg H. Albert Albert, Villeneuve Marlène, Moretti Roberto, Baud Patrick, Carbillet Lucille, Harnett Claire, Reuschlé Thierry. Alteration‐Induced Volcano Instability at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean). Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 2021, 126. <10.1029/2021JB022514>

Moretti Roberto, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Ucciani Guillaume, Moune Séverine, Jessop David, de Chabalier Jean-Bernard, Beauducel François, Bonifacie Magali, Burtin Arnaud, Vallee Martin, Deroussi Sebastien, Robert Vincent, Gibert Dominique, Didier Tristan, Kitou Thierry, Feuillet Nathalie, Allard Patrick, Tamburello Giancarlo, Shreve Tara L., Saurel Jean-Marie, Lemarchand Arnaud, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Agrinier Pierre, Le Friant Anne, Chaussidon Marc. The 2018 unrest phase at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) andesitic volcano: Scrutiny of a failed but prodromal phreatic eruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Elsevier, mars 2020, 393. <10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106769>

Macchioli‐grande Franco, Zyserman Fabio, Monachesi Leonardo B., Jouniaux Laurence, Rosas‐carbajal Marina. Bayesian inversion of joint SH seismic and seismoelectric data to infer glacier system properties. Geophysical Prospecting, Wiley, 01 janvier 2020, 68. <10.1111/1365-2478.12940>

Pasquet Sylvain, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Marteau Jacques, Ianigro Jean-Christophe, Chalikakis Konstantinos, Mazzilli Naomi, Tramontini Matias, Champollion Cedric. Combined Muon, Seismic and Electrical Resistivity Measurements to Characterize a Karstic Unsaturated Zone (LSBB, France). 12 décembre 2019.

Moune Séverine, Moretti Roberto, Jessop David, Gibert Dominique, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Bonifacie Magali, Komorowski Jean-Christophe. Going beyond in Understanding Volcanic Unrest and the Legacy of Hydrothermal Explosive Activity at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies). 09 décembre 2019.

Tramontini Matias, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Nussbaum Christophe, Gibert Dominique, Marteau Jacques. Middle-atmosphere Dynamics Studied with a Portable Muon Detector at the Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory, Switzerland. 09 décembre 2019.

Marteau Jacques, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Tramontini Matias, Zyserman Fabio, de Bremond d'Ars Jean, Le Gonidec Yves, Carlus Bruno, Ianigro Jean-Christophe, Deroussi Sébastien, Gibert Dominique. Muographic long-term monitoring of the Soufrière of Guadeloupe with a system of coupled muon detection systems. 09 décembre 2019.

Tamburello Giancarlo, Moune Séverine, Allard Patrick, Venugopal Swetha, Robert Vincent, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Deroussi Sébastien, Kitou Gaëtan-Thierry, Didier Tristan, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Beauducel François, de Chabalier Jean-Bernard, Le Marchand Arnaud, Le Friant Anne, Bonifacie Magali, Dessert Céline, Moretti Roberto. Spatio-Temporal Relationships between Fumarolic Activity, Hydrothermal Fluid Circulation and Geophysical Signals at an Arc Volcano in Degassing Unrest: La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran, novembre 2019, 9. <10.3390/geosciences9110480>

Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Marteau Jacques, Carlus Bruno, Ianigro Jean-Christophe, Montorio J.-L, Gibert Dominique, Deroussi Sebastien, Moretti R., Tramontini M., Zimmerman F.. Long-term muon measurements to track density changes at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano. 21 octobre 2019.

Tramontini M., Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Nussbaum C., Gibert Dominique, Marteau Jacques. Middle‐atmosphere dynamics observed with a portable muon detector. Earth and Space Science, American Geophysical Union/Wiley, octobre 2019, 6. <10.1029/2019EA000655>

Peruzzetto Marc, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Le Friant Anne, Rosas-Carbajal Marina, Mangeney Anne, Legendre Yoann. Modeling of partial dome collapse of La Soufrière of Guadeloupe volcano: implications for hazard assessment and monitoring. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 15 août 2019. <10.1038/s41598-019-49507-0>

Jessop D.E., Moretti Roberto, Moune Séverine, Bonifacie Magali, Burtin Arnaud, de Chabalier Jean-Bernard, Deroussi Sébastien, Komorowski Jean-Christophe, Rosas Carbajal Marina, Bosson Alexis, Didier Tristan, Lemarchand Arnaud, Vincent Robert. Les risques volcaniques au XXIe siècle : surveiller et prévoir ; l’exemple de l’OVSG. juin 2019.

Pasquet Sylvain, Rosas Carbajal Marina, Gaillardet Jérôme, Longuevergne Laurent, Pierret Marie-Claire, Chaffaut Quentin, Lesparre N., Hinderer Jacques, Weill Sylvain, Zillmer Matthias, Chalikakis Konstantinos, Mazzilli Naomi, Chevalier Antoine, Marteau Jacques, Ianigro Jean-Christophe, Champollion Cedric, Cooke Anne-Karin, Lemoigne Nicolas, Bodet Ludovic, Dangeard Marine, Mendieta Aida, Lázaro Roche Ignacio, Gaffet Stéphane, Fores Benjamin, Le Bouteiller Caroline, Legout Cédric, Descloitres Marc. From CRITEX to OZCAR: Geophysical wandering accross the FrenchCritical Zone Observatorie. 07 avril 2019.