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Coupling gravimetry, morphometry and numerical modelling to quantify sediment redistributions


Campus Paris-Rive-Gauche


Séminaires Planétologie et Sciences Spatiales

522, bât. Lamarck

Maxime Mouyen

Göteborg, Suède

Quantifying continental erosion brings valuable constraints on tectonics, climate or human activities, which both have an active role in surface processes. This quantification is classically done through in-situ measurements of river sediment discharge but often suffers from spatio-temporal scarcity. Here we show that temporal gravimetry, that is, the integrative measure of mass changes through time, is an appropriate tool for such a quantification, at both local and global scales, provided geometric constraints on the redistributed sediment are available. This talk will describe experiments done by terrestrial and satellite gravimetry, coupled to drone photogrammetry and numerical modeling of sedimentation zones. Key modern challenges such as closing the budget between erosion and sedimentation or monitoring sand mining, a rising societal concern, could be efficiently tackled by this interdisciplinary approach.