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Insights into the Origin of Volatile Elements in Terrestrial Planets through Zinc and Copper Isotopic Analyses of Ryugu Samples


Campus Paris-Rive-Gauche


Planetary science seminars

522, bât. Lamarck

Fredéric Moynier


The samples collected by the Hayabusa2 spaceship from Ryugu are incredibly valuable due to their pristine nature, potentially escape terrestrial contamination, and therefore are providing a unique opportunity to study planetary building blocks. In this presentation, I will share the first stable isotopic composition data obtained from Ryugu's samples for Zn and Cu, which are moderately volatile elements. Through this analysis, we have discovered that materials similar to Ryugu contributed approximately 30% of the budget of Zn and Cu to Earth, and approximately 5% of the total mass of the Earth. This shed light on the origins of these essential elements and provide insight into the formation and evolution of our planet. Zoom, Meeting ID 876 7331 0489, Passcode 856642

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