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Quasi-reversibility method for data assimilation in models of mantle dynamics and its applications


IPGP - Campus Jussieu


Ateliers des Fluides Géologiques

Salle Bleue


IPGP & Russian Academy of Sciences & Karlsruhe University

Abstract: Rapid progress in imaging deep Earth structures using seismic tomography and in studies of physical and chemical properties of mantle rocks facilitates research in assimilation of data related to mantle dynamics. I shall present a new numerical approach for data assimilation, which allows for incorporating observations (at present) and unknown initial conditions (in the past) for mantle temperature and flow into a three-dimensional dynamic model in order to determine the initial conditions. The dynamic model is described by the backward heat, motion and continuity equations. The use of the quasi-reversibility (QRV) method implies the introduction into the backward heat equation of the additional term involving the product of a small regularization parameter and a higher order temperature derivative. The data assimilation in this case is based on a search of the best fit between the forecast model state and the observations by minimizing the regularization parameter. We apply the QRV data assimilation method to restore the evolution of (i) mantle plumes (a synthetic case study) and (ii) the lithospheric slab imaged by teleseismic body-wave tomography in the southeastern Carpathians. For both models the present temperature and mantle flow are assimilated to the geological past, and the prominent features of mantle structures are recovered. The results of the QRV data assimilation are compared to that obtained by the variational (VAR) and backward advection data assimilation. Based on the results and the comparison of the methods, we consider the QRV method to be a highly promising approach to assimilation of data related to mantle dynamics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atelier de Dynamique des Systèmes Géologiques ------------------------------------------------------------------------