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Simulations of massive star formation


Campus Paris-Rive-Gauche


Séminaires Planétologie et Sciences Spatiales

522, bât. Lamarck

Matthias Gonzalez

AIM, CEA, Université de Paris

Star formation lies at the center of the interstellar matter cycle, but is still poorly understood in particular for the massive stars formation. Massive stars dominate the energy input in the interstellar medium through their radiative and kinetic feedback. They form in massive, magnetised and turbulent dense cores. The question of how massive stars get their mass in these large complex remains an open question. We address this question with three-dimensional simulations using the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES. Our numerical model integrates the equations of radiation-magneto-hydrodynamics and includes radiative protostellar feedback. We run several simulations varying the initial magnetic field strength, and different approximations: pure hydrodynamics, ideal magneto-hydrodynamics or ambipolar diffusion. I will present the results of these simulations and particularly focus on the properties of the discs around the massive protostars and on the launching mechanism of the outflows generated during the star formation process.