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Étudiant / Futur étudiant
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Soutenances stage recherche M2


IPGP - Îlot Cuvier


Soutenance de Masters Recherche & Pro


Etudiants M2R

Paléomagnétisme (PALEO)

ROMANET Pierre 9h00 Automatic seismic source detection and location KRISHNA Shanker 9h30 A priori information in time-lapse seismic imaging LI Yubing 10h00 Sparse seismic data decomposition for velocity estimation VILLANUEVA-ROBLES Fernando 11h00 Reconstruction of streamer-like data applying interferometry of widely sampled OBS recordings OKUBO Kurama 11h30 The effect of waste water injection on earthquake nucleation in damaged fault zones YUAN Shihao 14h00 Local dispersion curve estimation using rotational passive data MOMOH Ekeabino 14h30 Upgrading the bandwidth of legacy marine seismic data by Pseudo-Vz deghosting SHAHRUKH Mohammad 15h00 Using the CRS stack to stabilize the AVO analysis and prestack amplitude inversion KUNCORO Alvina Kusumadewi 16h00 Frontal rupturing of tsunamigenic potential in the Sumatra locked zone ROY Clément 16h30 Tsunamis and earthquake sources in the northeastern Caribbean WALWER Damian 17h00 Détection de déformations transitoires dans les réseaux GPS