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Baptiste Debret

Content / Work

Nov. 2013  PhD in Metamorphic Petrology, Labortatoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV), Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
Jun. 2010   Master’s degree in Earth Sciences, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
Jun. 2008   Undergraduate degree in Earth Sciences, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
Since Oct 2019 Permanent CNRS researcher (Chargé de Recherche de Classe Normale - CNRS) at the Université de Paris / Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (UMR 7154), Paris, France
2017 – 2019    Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the FNRS Université Libre de Bruxelles/ Laboratoire G-TIME, Belgique

2016 – 2017    Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge/ Department of Earth Sciences, England

2014 – 2016    Postdoctoral Research Associate, Durham University/ Department of Earth Sciences, England

2010 – 2014    PhD student, Université Blaise Pascal / Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, France
2019 – 2022    Prime d’Excellence Scientifique CNRS (gratification for Scientific Excellence).

2017 – 2019    FNRS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Université Libre de Bruxelles/ Laboratoire G-TIME, Belgique

2016 – 2017    NERC Moratorium Award, University of Cambridge/ Department of Earth Sciences, England
2024 – 2028    Agence nationale de la recherche PRC (450,000 €):  DHYAM - Diversity, dynamics and impact of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges. PI: Andreani M. (LGL, Lyon) Co-I: Debret B. (IPGP), Escartin J. (ENS Paris), Le Bris N. (LECOB, U. Sorbonne), Trocheri L. (COMET)

2023 – 2024: Frontier project – Labex UnivEarthS, Université de Paris (120,000€): AURORA: Are sUbsuRface ecOsystems Relevant Analogs for the exploration of life on rocky (exo)planets? PI: Ménez B. (IPGP) Co-I: Debret B., Gérard E., Pisapia C. (IPGP)

2023 – 2027    Agence nationale de la recherche JCJC (284,000 €):  CARBioNic - EnhanCed potentiAl foR aBiotic OrgaNic synthesis in subduction zones. PI: Debret B. (IPGP)

2019 – 2022    Frontier project – Labex UnivEarthS, Université de Paris (210,000€): MYSTHIC – MobilitY versus STorage of HImalayan Carbon PIs: Girault F., Debret B., Pisapia C. (IPGP)

2017 – 2019    FNRS Fellowship (3 years of salary & 15,000 €): Le rôle des serpentinites sur les variations de l'état redox de la planète au cours des temps géologiques PI: Debret B. (ULB)

2016 – 2017    NERC moratorium award (37,000 £): “Assessing the redox state of Mariana forearc” PI: H. Williams (University of Cambridge) Co-I: Debret B. (University of Cambridge).

2020-2022      I was PI on 3 funded INSU projects (each dotation is between 5,000 and 10, 000 € for one year) and has been listed co-PI of 5 other funded INSU projects in the past.

2012 – Now:   I am a common user of synchrotron technics. I am therefore PI and co-PI of several projects (about 1 per year) at the SOLEIL synchrotron.
Postdocs (2):

2024 – Present C. Herviou (Postdoc, IPGP) – ANR JCJC – CARBioNic project.

2020 – 2023 J. Villalobos-Orchard (Postdoc, IPGP) – Labex UnivEarthS – MYSTHIC project.

PhD students (6):

2022 – 2023 K. Yang (Chinese Scholarship Council [CSC] visiting PhD student, China University of Geosciences, Beijing). Fe-Zn-Cu isotopic characteristics and significance of serpentinites in the Yarlung Zangbo Ophiolites.

2022 – 2023 C. Wang (CSC visiting PhD student, China University of Geosciences, Beijing). Origins of deep abiotic hydrocarbons: Insights from fundamental redox reactions within the Fe-C-H-O system.

2021 – Present L. Besognet, PhD Université de Paris/ Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France. The fate of crustal carbonaceous matter in subduction zones and its implications for diamond formation.

2019 – 2022    C. Caurant (PhD student, IPGP). Tracking the long-term carbon cycling in subduction zones.

2017 – 2021    H. Beunon (PhD student, ULB). The ultra-refractory peridotites from the oceanic Kerguelen Large Igneous Province: effects on the buoyancy of oceanic plateaus and the continental accretion?

2014 – 2018    E. Inglis (PhD student, Durham University). Elemental Fluxes to the Mantle Wedge: Potential Redox Controls and Siderophile/Chalcophile Element Cycling.

Master Students (8):

2023    L. Riccardelli (Master 1st year, IPGP). Diversité du carbone organique piégé à haute pression dans les serpentinites éclogitiques des Alpes Occidentales.

2019 – 2021    L. Besognet (Master Student 1st&2nd years, IPGP). Devenir de la matière carbonacée d’origine hydrothermale pendant la subduction de la lithosphère océanique et implication pour la formation de diamant

2020    M. Anzalone (Master student 2nd year, ULB). Apport des isotopes des métaux (Fe-Zn-Cu) sur les processus de formation des BIF au néo-protérozoïque.

2020    A. Gautier (Master student 2nd year, ULB). Redox transfer across subduction zones, a mantle wedge perspective: study of the Finero massif (Italy)

2013-2014      F. Cattani (Master student 1st&2nd years, LMV). F-Cl-B-Li content evolution in amphiboles of oceanic metagabbros during subduction.

2012    S. Echaubard (Master student 1st year, LMV). Petrological evolution of serpentinites during subduction.

2012    M. Colombier (Master student 1st year, LMV). Measurement of F and Cl in amphiboles from different settings: oceanic slow- (Chenaillet, Lanzo) and fast- (Oman) spreading ridges and deep continental crust (Madagascar).

2011    M. Poncet (Master student 1st year, LMV): Petrological and chemical (LA-ICPMS) characterization of amphiboles from isotropic gabbros (Oman ophiolite).

Licence Students (2):

2023    P.A. Velut (Licence 1st year, IPGP) – Distribution of organic compounds in high pressure samples (Queyras and Monviso massifs). 1 month

2021    M. Warembourg (Licence 3rd year, IPGP) – Spectral characterization (FTIR & Raman) of organic compounds in the Monviso serpentinites. 2 months

PhD evaluation (1):

2023    Examinateur of Kristijan Rajic PhD (ISTO Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orleans) – Thesis: “Tectonics, metamorphism, and fluid circulation in accretionary complexes”
Fieldwork (between 10 to 30 days per year), my main fields are in the Western Alps (Chenaillet, Chamrousse, Queyras, Monte Maggiore, Monviso, Lanzo, Zermatt Zaas, Finero, Mont Avic), the Sierra Nevada (Cerro del Almirez massif) and the Himalaya (Ladakh and Tibet)

Marine Cruise, Participation to the IODP Exp. 366 “Mariana convergent margin & South Chamorro seamount” from Dec. 2016 to Feb. 2017.


CARBioNic: EnhanCed potentiAl foR aBiotic OrgaNic synthesis in subduction zones

CARBioNic: EnhanCed potentiAl foR aBiotic OrgaNic synthesis in subduction zones

The deep carbon cycle is the recycling of carbon toward the deep Earth, i.e., mantle and core. Preventing all of the Earth's carbon from entering the ...


Kawamoto Tatsuhiko, Inukai Tomohiro, Nicollet Christian, Koga Kenneth T., Rose-Koga Estelle F., Debret Baptiste. Fluid inclusions of ophicarbonates in Oman and Western Alps ophiolite and carbonation experiments of mantle minerals. 26 August 2024.

Kawamoto Tatsuhiko, Inukai Toshihiro, Nicollet Christian, Koga Kenneth T., Rose-Koga Estelle F., Debret Baptiste. Fluid inclusions of ophicarbonates in Oman and Western Alps ophiolite and carbonation experiments of mantle minerals. 25 August 2024.

Inukai Tomohiro, Kawamoto Tatsuhiko, Godard Marguerite, Nicollet Christian, Koga Kenneth T., Rose-Koga Estelle F., Debret Baptiste, Tasaka Miki, Kageta Mikiya, Taniuchi Hajime. Multi-generation Fluid Inclusions in Ophicarbonates in Oman and Western Alps Ophiolite. 27 May 2024.

Yang Kai, Dai Jingen G, Shen Jie, Debret Baptiste. Melting processes, cooling rates, and tectonic settings of the Neo-Tethyan mantle: the in-situ mineral chemical record. Chemical Geology, Elsevier, 2024, 643. <10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121834>

Coltat R., Andreani M., Patten C., Godard M., Debret B., Escartin J.. Origin of Fe‐Ca‐Metasomatism in Exhumed Mantle Rocks at the MARK Area (23°N, ODP Leg 153) and Implications on the Formation of Ultramafic‐Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, AGU and the Geochemical Society, September 2023, 24. <10.1029/2023GC010894>

Caurant C., Debret Baptiste, Ménez B., Nicollet C., Bouilhol P.. Redox heterogeneities in a subducting slab: Example from the Monviso meta-ophiolite (Western Alps, Italy). Lithos, Elsevier, 2023, 446-447. <10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107136>

Thapa Sandeep, Girault Frédéric, Deldicque Damien, Losno Rémi, France-Lanord Christian, Groppo Chiara, Rolfo Franco, Tamang Shashi, Rigaudier Thomas, Debret Baptiste, Paudyal Kabi Raj, Adhikari Lok Bijaya, Perrier Frédéric. Metric, kilometric and large-scale coherence of metamorphic conditions from graphitic phyllite in the Upper Lesser Himalaya of Nepal: Contribution to the estimation of carbon stored during Himalayan orogeny. Chemical Geology, Elsevier, 2023, 623. <10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121378>

Debret Baptiste, Ménez Bénédicte, Walter Bastien, Bouquerel Hélène, Bouilhol Pierre, Mattielli Nadine, Pisapia Céline, Rigaudier Thomas, Williams Helen Myfanwy. High-pressure synthesis and storage of solid organic compounds in active subduction zones. Science Advances, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 16 September 2022, 8. <10.1126/sciadv.abo2397>

Dai Wei, Moynier Frédéric, Paquet Marine, Moureau Julien, Debret Baptiste, Siebert Julien, Gerard Yvan, Zhao Ye. Calcium isotope measurements using a collision cell (CC)-MC-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, Elsevier, February 2022, 590. <10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120688>

Bouilhol P., Debret B., Inglis E., Warembourg M., Grocolas Thomas, Rigaudier Thomas, Villeneuve Johan, Burton K.. Decoupling of inorganic and organic carbon during slab mantle devolatilisation. Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 14 January 2022, 13. <10.1038/s41467-022-27970-0>

Caurant Clara, Debret Baptiste, Menez Bénédicte. From Mg/Ca-carbonates to organic compounds at high pressure: the carbon journey at the Monviso meta-ophiolite. 01 November 2021.

Debret Baptiste, Bouilhol Pierre, Nicollet Christian, Castelltort Sebastien, Pietro Sternai. Forearc mantle wedge devolatilization during continental subduction and collision: a reappraisal of Tso Morari (Ladakh, India) serpentinite petrology. 01 November 2021.

Sossi Paolo A, Debret Baptiste. The Role of Redox Processes in Determining the Iron Isotope Compositions of Minerals, Melts, and Fluids. 17 September 2021.

France Lyderic, Lombard Maéva, Nicollet Christian, Berthod Carole, Debret Baptiste, Koepke Juergen, Ildefonse Benoit, Toussaint Aurore. Quantifying the axial magma lens dynamics at the roof of oceanic magma reservoirs (dike / gabbro transition): Oman Drilling Project GT3 site survey. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 29 March 2021, 126. <10.1029/2020JB021496>

Debret Baptiste, Garrido Carlos J, Pons Marie-Laure, Bouilhol Pierre, Inglis Edward, López Sánchez-Vizcaíno Vicente, Williams Helen. Iron and zinc stable isotope evidence for open-system high-pressure dehydration of antigorite serpentinite in subduction zones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Elsevier, 2021, 296. <10.1016/j.gca.2020.12.001>

Clarke E., de Hoog J.C.M., Kirstein L.A., Harvey J., Debret B.. Metamorphic olivine records external fluid infiltration during serpentinite dehydration. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, European Assoication of Geochemistry, December 2020, 16. <10.7185/geochemlet.2039>

Beunon Hugues, Mattielli Nadine, Doucet Luc S., Moine Bertrand N., Debret Baptiste. Mantle heterogeneity through Zn systematics in oceanic basalts: Evidence for a deep carbon cycling. Earth-Science Reviews, Elsevier, 06 April 2020, 205. <10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103174>

Debret Baptiste, Reekie C D J, Mattielli N, Beunon H, Ménez B, Savov I P, Williams H M. Redox transfer at subduction zones: insights from Fe isotopes in the Mariana forearc. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, European Assoication of Geochemistry, 31 January 2020. <10.7185/geochemlet.2003>

Fryer Patricia, Wheat C. Geoffrey Geoffrey, Williams Trevor, Kelley Christopher, Johnson Kevin, Ryan Jeffrey, Kurz Walter, Shervais John, Albers Elmar, Bekins Barbara A., Debret Baptiste, Deng Jianghong, Dong Yanhui, Eickenbusch Philip, Frery Emanuelle Frery, Ichiyama Yuji, Johnston Raymond, Kervokian Richard, Magalhaes Vitor, Mantovanelli Simone, Menapace Walter, Menzies Catriona, Michibayashi Katsuyoshi, Moyer Craig L, Mullane Kelli, Park Jung-Woo, Price Roy, Sissman Olivier, Suzuki Shino, Takai Ken, Walter Bastien, Rui Zhang, Amon Diva, Glickson Deborah, Pomponi Shirley. Mariana serpentinite mud volcanism exhumes subducted seamount materials: implications for the origin of life. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Royal Society, The, 06 January 2020, 378. <10.1098/rsta.2018.0425>

Maurice Juliette, Bolfan-Casanova Nathalie, Demouchy Sylvie, Chauvigne Paul, Schiavi Federica, Debret Baptiste. The intrinsic nature of antigorite breakdown at 3 GPa: Experimental constraints on redox conditions of serpentinite dehydration in subduction zones. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Springer Verlag, 2020, 175. <10.1007/s00410-020-01731-y>