Citizen / General public
Student / Future student
Public partner
Teacher / Pupil



The executive secretariat has the following tasks:

  • to provide secretarial services to the IPGP Director and the Director General of Services
  • to welcome, inform and orientate the visitors of the institute
  • to disseminate information to the different departments and laboratories
  • to organize the logistics of meetings, seminars, colloquiums and planning of the rooms of the IPGP


The operation of the DFED is governed by the Pedagogical Council (CP) of the IPGP which contributes to defining the education policy within the framework of the strategic axes defined by Université Paris Cité.

Composition of the department

Education Unit
Doctoral Studies Unit
Teaching Support and Steering Unit
HR Unit
Financial Unit
  • Under recruitment

The Prevention and Safety Department is responsible for advising and assisting the director of the institution in implementing legislation and regulations on risk prevention, health and safety at work, environmental protection and fire safety.

It contributes in collaboration with the other actors of prevention (occupational physicians, health and safety inspectors, prevention assistants, risk prevention engineers of the partner establishments, consultation bodies), to the elaboration and the implementation of the prevention policy led by the IPGP.

It coordinates and leads the network of prevention assistants; these local actors play an important role in raising awareness, informing and training the staff and students present in the research laboratory.

It supports the prevention assistants and all the IPGP staff in:

  • the assessment of professional risks and the drafting of the single document
  • the prevention of dangers likely to compromise the health and safety of the agents
  • the proposal of actions to improve working methods and the working environment
  • the dissemination of the prevention culture and the advancement of knowledge of safety problems and the techniques for solving them
  • the proper keeping of compulsory occupational health and safety records


The service provides assistance and expertise to researchers so that they can successfully complete their projects during: the preparation, negotiation, signature and implementation of the project and the presentation of the final report in the framework of the institution’s scientific policy.

Composition of the department

Europe & International research projects
National research projects
Agreements linked to research projects and technology transfer
Monitoring and calculating staff costs in SINCHRO
Project management


The human resources department ensures the application and monitoring of HR regulations: recruitment, career, professional development, training, medical monitoring, etc. It informs and supports staff and team or department managers.


Composition of the department

Deputy – Payroll manager
Welcoming international researchers – Training advisor
Training advisor – Working time coordinator – Internship bonus manager
Career mobility advisor – CNRS staff and collective management operations manager
HR manager

The mission of the IT department is to provide the scientific community with a set of resources, while guaranteeing IT security. It is responsible for maintaining the Institute’s computer system and network and is organised around three areas:

  • System network and telecommunication (messaging management, telephony, vision conference)
  • Application development and deployment (scientific software and online services)
  • Management computing (financial, accounting and human resources applications)

The IT department also defines the information systems security policy and coordinates its implementation.

Composition of the department

System administrators
Web development

The accounting officer, appointed by addition of services, is responsible for keeping the institution’s accounts up to date, advising the authorising officer and helping to improve financial management. He will also provide advice on budget, finance and accounting to improve the reliability and quality of the institute’s financial information. The authorising officer assists the accounting officer in his duties. The collaborator is in charge of fixed assets, accounts receivable and visas.

Composition of the department

The main activities of the financial department are the preparation of the institution’s budget, the verification of its execution and the budgetary follow-up. It manages expenditure and revenue, as well as research contracts and agreements, and draws up and implements the purchasing policy.

Composition of the department

Research agreements
Public Procurement
Platform pricing


  • Under recruitment