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Remi Losno

Remi Losno
Main information
Environmental Biogeochemistry
IPGP - Bureau 415 - 1, rue Jussieu - 75238 Paris cedex 05

Content / Work

I an Professor at Université Paris Cité doing my research at IPGP. I work on metals and metalloid at the atmosphere interface with land and ocean. My focus are today on::
  1. Impact of metals, metalloïds and other elements on the Southern Ocean as micronutrients. This is a SOLAS topic .
  2. Nutrients and other soil material atmopsheric transfer from saharan regions to islands of Carraïbean.
I developp sampling in the environment and analytical methods at ultra trace levels using clean rooms, ICP-AES and HR-ICP-MS.   I teach inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry at Paris Diderot University and participate to the master "Frontier in Chemistry (FrinCh)" with analytical chemistry for environment and complex systems (see
My publication list and some details are available at the ORCID webpages: you can also have a look on my Google Scholar profile: and my researchgate home page: Experimental data on particle counters, pictures of field experiments, are published on the web site of the team: