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Samuel Nahmani

Samuel Nahmani
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IPGP - Bureau 331 - 35 rue Hélène Brion - 75013 Paris, France


Pollet Arnaud, Coulot David, Biancale Richard, Pérosanz Félix, Loyer Sylvain, Marty Jean-Charles, Glaser Susanne, Schott-Guilmault Vladimir, Lemoine Jean-Michel, Mercier Flavien, Nahmani Samuel, Mandea Mioara. GRGS numerical simulations for a GRASP-like mission. Journal of Geodesy, 2023, 97. <10.1007/s00190-023-01730-4>

Bock Olivier, Pacione R., Ahmed F., Araszkiewicz A., Bałdysz Z., Balidakis K., Barroso C., Bastin Sophie, Beirle S., Berckmans J., Böhm J., Bogusz J., Bos M., Brockmann E., Cadeddu M., Chimani B., Douša J., Elgered G., Eliaš M., Fernandes R., Figurski M., Fionda E., Gruszczynska M., Guerova G., Guijarro J., Hackman C., Heinkelmann R., Jones J., Kazanci S. Zengin, Klos A., Landskron D., Martins J., Mattioli V., Mircheva B., Nahmani S., Nilsson R., Ning T., Nykiel G., Parracho A., Pottiaux E., Ramos A., Rebischung P., Sá A., Dorigo W., Schuh H., Stankunavicius G., Stępniak K., Valentim H., van Malderen R., Viterbo P., Willis P., Xaver A.. Use of GNSS Tropospheric Products for Climate Monitoring (Working Group 3). 14 September 2020. <10.1007/978-3-030-13901-8_5>

Nahmani Samuel, Bock Olivier, Guichard Françoise. Sensitivity of GPS tropospheric estimates to mesoscale convective systems in West Africa. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, European Geosciences Union, 2019, 19. <10.5194/acp-19-9541-2019>

Coulot David, Pollet Arnaud, Biancale Richard, Zoulida Myriam, Loyer Sylvain, Perosanz Félix, Marty Jean-Charles, Lemoine Jean-Michel, Soudarin Laurent, Capderou Michel, Nahmani Samuel, Deleflie Florent, Mandea Mioara. GRGS simulations for a GRASP-like satellite. 2016, 18.

Pollet A., Coulot D., Bock Olivier, Nahmani S.. Comparison of individual and combined zenith tropospheric delay estimations during CONT08 campaign. Journal of Geodesy, Springer Verlag, November 2014, 88. <10.1007/s00190-014-0745-5>

Nahmani Samuel. Méthodologies en traitement de données GPS pour les Sciences de l’Environnement : Contributions à l’étude de la Mousson en Afrique de l’Ouest. 11 September 2012.

Hinderer J., Pfeffer J., Boucher M., Nahmani S., de Linage C., Boy J. P., Genthon P., Seguis L., Favreau G., Bock O., Descloitres M., Ghyraf Team -. Land Water Storage Changes from Ground and Space Geodesy: First Results from the GHYRAF (Gravity and Hydrology in Africa) Experiment. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Springer Verlag, August 2012. <10.1007/s00024-011-0417-9>

Nahmani Samuel, Bock Olivier, Bouin Marie-Nöelle, Santamaría-Gómez Alvaro, Boy Jean-Paul, Collilieux Xavier, Métivier Laurent, Panet Isabelle, Genthon Pierre, de Linage Caroline, Wöppelmann Guy. Hydrological deformation induced by the West African Monsoon: Comparison of GPS, GRACE and loading models. Journal of Geophysical Research, American Geophysical Union, 12 May 2012, 117. <10.1029/2011JB009102>

Bosser P., Bock O., Thom C., Pelon Jacques, Willis P., Martin O., Nahmani S., Garrouste O.. Comparison of tropospheric delays from Raman lidar, radiosondes, GPS and DORIS during the MANITOUL experiment. 2010.

Bock O., Meynadier Remi, Guichard F., Nuret M., Boone A., Nahmani S., Bouin M., Doerflinger E.. The West African Monsoon water cycle investigated with a ground-based GPS network (Invited). 2010.

Bock Olivier, Bouin Marie-Noëlle, Doerflinger E., Collard P., Masson F., Meynadier Rémi, Nahmani Samuel, Koité M., Gaptia Lawan Balawan K., Didé Francis, Ouedraogo D., Pokperlaar S., Ngamini Jean-Blaise, Lafore Jean-Philippe, Janicot Serge, Guichard Françoise, Nuret Mathieu. West African Monsoon observed with ground-based GPS receivers during African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, American Geophysical Union, 2008, 113. <10.1029/2008JD010327>