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Mark Wieczorek

Mark Wieczorek
Main information
Researcher / Professor
Directeur de recherche (Senior research scientist)
Planetology and Space Sciences
IPGP - Bureau 715 - 35 rue Hélène Brion - Case 7071, Lamarck A - 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France

Content / Work

Mark Wieczorek's research focuses on using geophysical data (topography, gravity, and magnetic fields) and remotely sensed geochemical data to decipher the interior structure and geologic evolution of the terrestrial planets and moons. He is a co-investigator of several past and upcoming missions, including the orbiting SMART-1 and Chandrayaan-1 X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, NASA's lunar gravity mapping mission GRAIL, NASA's geophysical mission to Mars, Insight, NASA's mission to Psyche, the Lunar Vertex mission to investigate the Reiner-gamma magnetic anomaly, and the laser altimeters on ESA's BepiColombo mission to Mercury and JUICE mission to Ganymede. He was the leader of the Planetary and Space Sciences group at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris from 2012 to 2016, and he was the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Geophysical Research Planets from 2011 to 2015. From 2017 to 2022, he worked at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur as part of the Laboratoire Lagrange. Currently, he is a director of research (CNRS) at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.


BepiColombo (ESA)

BepiColombo (ESA)

Co-investigator of the BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA). Launch: 2018 Arrival at the planet Mercury: 2025

Ile-de-France Planets

Ile-de-France Planets

Ile-de-France Planets is a community of planetary scientists who work in Paris and the surrounding region of Ile-de-France.



Co-investigator of the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) Laser Altimeter. Launch: 2023 Arrival at the planet Jupiter: 2031

Lunar Vertex (NASA)

Lunar Vertex (NASA)

Co-investigator of the Lunar Vertex (NASA) rover. Launch towards the Moon: 2024

Psyche (NASA)

Psyche (NASA)

Co-investigator of the mission Psyche (NASA). Launch: 2023 Arrival at the asteroid (16) Psyche: 2029

shtools (python software)

shtools (python software)

pyshtools is an archive of Python software that can be used for spherical harmonic transforms, multitaper spectral analyses, expansions of gridded dat...


Yang Xi, Wieczorek Mark. Magnetic signatures of lunar impact craters. Icarus, Elsevier, June 2024, 415. <10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116049>

Oliveira Joana S, Vervelidou Foteini, Wieczorek Mark A, Díaz Michelena Marina. Constraints on the Spatial Distribution of Lunar Crustal Magnetic Sources From Orbital Magnetic Field Data. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, Wiley-Blackwell, February 2024, 129. <10.1029/2023je008125>

Drilleau Mélanie, Samuel Henri, Garcia Raphaël F, Rivoldini Attilio, Perrin Clément, Wieczorek Mark, Lognonné Philippe, Banerdt William B. Constraints on Lateral Variations of Martian Crustal Thickness From Seismological and Gravity Field Measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2024, 51. <10.1029/2023gl105701>

Le Bars Michael, Wieczorek Mark A., Karatekin Ozgur, Cébron David, Laneuville Matthieu. An impact driven dynamo for the Early Moon. Nature, Nature Publishing Group, 15 May 2023, 479. <10.1038/nature10565>

Joshi Rakshit, Knapmeyer-Endrun Brigitte, Mosegaard Klaus, Wieczorek M., Igel Heiner, Christensen Ulrich, Lognonné Philippe. Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Apparent Incidence Angles to Determine the Crustal Structure of Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 16 February 2023, 50. <10.1029/2022GL100469>

Joshi Rakshit, Knapmeyer-Endrun Brigitte, Mosegaard Klaus, Wieczorek M., Igel Heiner, Christensen Ulrich, Lognonné Philippe. Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Apparent Incidence Angles to Determine the Crustal Structure of Mars. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2023, 50. <10.1029/2022GL100469>

Kim D., Stähler S., Ceylan S., Lekic V., Maguire R., Zenhäusern G., Clinton J., Giardini D., Khan A., Panning M., Davis P., Wieczorek M., Schmerr N., Lognonné Philippe, Banerdt W.. Structure Along the Martian Dichotomy Constrained by Rayleigh and Love Waves and their Overtones. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 16 December 2022. <10.1029/2022GL101666>

Li Jiaqi, Beghein Caroline, Lognonné Philippe, Mclennan Scott, Wieczorek Mark, Panning Mark, Knapmeyer-Endrun Brigitte, Davis Paul, Banerdt W. Bruce. Different Martian Crustal Seismic Velocities Across the Dichotomy Boundary From Multi‐Orbiting Surface Waves. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 14 December 2022, 50. <10.1029/2022GL101243>

Kim D., Banerdt W., Ceylan S., Giardini D., Lekić V., Lognonné Philippe, Beghein C., Beucler É., Carrasco S., Charalambous C., Clinton J., Drilleau M., Durán C., Golombek M., Joshi R., Khan A., Knapmeyer-Endrun B., Li J., Maguire R., Pike W., Samuel H., Schimmel M., Schmerr N., Stähler S., Stutzmann E., Wieczorek M., Xu Z., Batov A., Bozdag E., Dahmen N., Davis P., Gudkova T., Horleston A., Huang Q., Kawamura T., King S., Mclennan S., Nimmo F., Plasman M., Plesa A., Stepanova I., Weidner E., Zenhäusern G., Daubar I., Fernando B., Garcia R., Posiolova L., Panning M.. Surface Waves and Crustal Structure on Mars. Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 28 October 2022, 378. <10.1126/science.abq7157>

Knapmeyer-Endrun Brigitte, Banerdt W. Bruce, Smrekar Suzanne, Lognonné Philippe, Giardini Domenico, Beghein Caroline, Beucler Éric, Bozdağ Ebru, Clinton John, Garcia Raphael, Irving Jessica, Kawamura Taichi, Kedar Sharon, Margerin Ludovic, Panning Mark, Pike Tom, Plesa Ana-Catalina, Schmerr Nicholas, Teanby Nicholas, Weber Renee, Wieczorek Mark, Barkaoui Salma, Brinkman Nienke, Ceylan Savas, Charalambous Constantinos, Compaire Nicolas, Dahmen Nikolaj, van Driel Martin, Horleston Anna, Huang Quancheng, Hurst Kenneth, Kenda Balthasar, Khan Amir, Kim Doyeon, Knapmeyer Martin, Li Jiaqi, Menina Sabrina, Murdoch Naomi, Perrin Clément, Schimmel Martin, Stähler Simon, Stutzmann Eléonore. Mars from the InSight: Seismology Beyond Earth. 25 August 2022. <10.1007/978-3-031-15104-0_5>

Wieczorek Mark A, Weiss Benjamin P, Breuer Doris, Cébron David, Fuller Mike, Garrick-Bethell Ian, Gattacceca Jérôme, Halekas Jasper S, Hemingway Douglas J, Hood Lon L, Laneuville Matthieu, Nimmo Francis, Oran Rona, Purucker Michael E, Rückriemen Tina, Soderlund Krista M, Tikoo Sonia M. Lunar magnetism. 13 January 2022.

Plesa Ana-Catalina, Wieczorek Mark, Knapmeyer Martin, Rivoldini Attilio, Walterová Michaela, Breuer Doris. Interior dynamics and thermal evolution of Mars – a geodynamic perspective. 2022, 63. <10.1016/bs.agph.2022.07.005>

Kawamura Taichi, Grott Matthias, Garcia Raphael, Wieczorek Mark, de Raucourt Sébastien, Lognonné Philippe, Bernauer Felix, Breuer Doris, Clinton John, Delage Pierre, Drilleau Mélanie, Ferraioli Luigi, Fuji Nobuaki, Horleston Anna, Kletetschka Günther, Knapmeyer Martin, Knapmeyer-Endrun Brigitte, Padovan Sebastiano, Plesa Ana-Catalina, Rivoldini Attilio, Robertsson Johan, Rodriguez Sebastien, Stähler Simon C., Stutzmann Eleonore, Teanby Nicholas A., Tosi Nicola, Vrettos Christos, Banerdt Bruce, Fa Wenzhe, Huang Qian, Irving Jessica, Ishihara Yoshiaki, Miljković Katarina, Mittelholz Anna, Nagihara Seiichi, Neal Clive, Qu Shaobo, Schmerr Nicholas, Tsuji Takeshi. An autonomous lunar geophysical experiment package (ALGEP) for future space missions. Experimental Astronomy, 2022. <10.1007/s10686-022-09857-6>

Genova Antonio, Smith David E., Canup Robin, Hurford Terry, Goossens Sander, Mazarico Erwan, Neumann Gregory A., Zuber Maria T., Nimmo Francis, Wieczorek Mark, Bierhaus Edward. Geodetic investigations of the mission concept MAGIC to reveal Callisto's internal structure. Acta Astronautica, 2022, 195. <10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.02.013>

Wieczorek Mark A., Broquet Adrien, Mclennan Scott M., Rivoldini Attilio, Golombek Matthew, Antonangeli Daniele, Beghein Caroline, Giardini Domenico, Gudkova Tamara, Gyalay Szilárd, Johnson Catherine L., Joshi Rakshit, Kim Doyeon, King Scott D., Knapmeyer-Endrun Brigitte, Lognonné Philippe, Michaut Chloé, Mittelholz Anna, Nimmo Francis, Ojha Lujendra, Panning Mark P., Plesa Ana-Catalina, Siegler Matthew A., Smrekar Suzanne E., Spohn Tilman, Banerdt W. Bruce. InSight Constraints on the Global Character of the Martian Crust. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, Wiley-Blackwell, 2022, 127. <10.1029/2022JE007298>

Elkins-Tanton Linda T., Asphaug Erik, Bell James F., Bierson Carver J., Bills Bruce G., Bottke William F., Courville Samuel W., Dibb Steven D., Jun Insoo, Lawrence David J., Marchi Simone, Mccoy Timothy J., Merayo Jose M. G., Oran Rona, O'Rourke Joseph G., Park Ryan S., Peplowski Patrick N., Prettyman Thomas H., Raymond Carol A., Weiss Benjamin P., Wieczorek Mark A., Zuber Maria T.. Distinguishing the Origin of Asteroid (16) Psyche. Space Science Reviews, 2022, 218. <10.1007/s11214-022-00880-9>

Drilleau Mélanie, Samuel Henri, Garcia Raphaël, Rivoldini Attilio, Perrin Clément, Michaut Chloé, Wieczorek Mark, Tauzin Benoît, Connolly James, Meyer Pauline, Lognonné Philippe, Banerdt William. Marsquake Locations and 1-D Seismic Models for Mars From InSight Data. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, Wiley-Blackwell, 2022, 127. <10.1029/2021JE007067>

Jaumann Ralf, Bell James F., Polanskey Carol A., Raymond Carol A., Aspaugh Erik, Bercovici David, Bills Bruce R., Binzel Richard, Bottke William, Christoph John M., Marchi Simone, Neesemann Alicia, Otto Katharina, Park Ryan S., Preusker Frank, Roatsch Thomas, Williams David A., Wieczorek Mark A., Zuber Maria T.. Correction to: The Psyche Topography and Geomorphology Investigation. Space Science Reviews, 2022, 218. <10.1007/s11214-022-00879-2>

Jaumann Ralf, Bell James F., Polanskey Carol A., Raymond Carol A., Aspaugh Erik, Bercovici David, Bills Bruce R., Binzel Richard, Bottke William, Christoph John M., Marchi Simone, Neesemann Alicia, Otto Katharina, Park Ryan S., Preusker Frank, Roatsch Thomas, Williams David A., Wieczorek Mark A., Zuber Maria T.. The Psyche Topography and Geomorphology Investigation. Space Science Reviews, 2022, 218. <10.1007/s11214-022-00874-7>

Bonnet Gibet Valentin, Michaut Chloé, Wieczorek Mark, Lognonné Philippe. A Positive Feedback Between Crustal Thickness and Melt Extraction for the Origin of the Martian Dichotomy. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, Wiley-Blackwell, 2022, 127. <10.1029/2022JE007472>