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Nobuaki Fuji

Content / Work

  • IPGP - Bureau 328 - 1, rue Jussieu - 75238 Paris cedex 05
  • Né le 26/11/1982 à Hyogo, Japon
  • Maître de conférences (IPGP)
  • 4 postdocs, 10 thésards (dont 3 avec convention), 24 stages (MSc, Licence)
  • 30 publications, 13 peer-reviewed proceedings index-h 17
  • lien aux articles, HDR, thèse 
Formation :
  • 03/2022 : HDR, Université Paris Cité
  • 05/2012- Maître de conférences, Institut de physique du globe de Paris
  • 04/2010-04/2012 Postdoc, Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
  • 04/2007-03/2010 Thèse en Géoscience (Sismologie), Université de Tokyo
  • 04/2005-03/2007 Master en Géoscience (Sismologie), Université de Tokyo
  • 04/2001-03/2005 License en Géophysique, Université de Tokyo
Encadrement de postdocs
  • Rebekah Pestes (11/2022-present : 50% avec Véronique van Elewyck, l’APC, Université Paris Cite) Towards neutrino tomography of the base of the mantle
  • Atsushi Nakao (04/2021-03/2023 : 30% avec Ritsu Kuwatania JAMSTEC) Joint seismic filtering of self-consistent subduction models
  • Milena Marjanović (09/2014-08/2019 : 50% avec Satish Singh) Waveform inversion of thestructure beneath the Mid-ocean rideges
  • Kensuke Konishi (09/2014-07/2020 : 30% avec Frédéric Deschamps, Academia Sinica) Seismic-thermodynamical exploration of mantle plume beneath the Caroline plumes
Encadrement de Thèse
  • Kapiolani (Teagai 12/2021-présent : 30% avec John Armitage à l'IFPEN) Groundwater and landscape erosion due to climate change in Nepal
  • Alice Jacob (10/2018-04/2022 : 30% avec Philippe Lognonné et Antoine Lucas) Étude sismo-tectonique des sources sismiques détectées par la mission InSight dans la province d’Elysium Planitia, Mars
  • Ssu-Ting Lai (10/2018-04/2022 : 90% avec Fabian Bonilla) Imagerie time-lapse de la déformation d’une roche à l’aide de l’inversion des formes d’ondes
  • Aline Robin (10/2016-02/2021 : 10% avec Satish Singh) Elastic full waveform inversion in anisotropic media: Methodology and Application to ocean bottom node data from the North Sea
  • Thijs Franken (10/2016-12/2019 : 40 % avec John Armitage et Alexandre Fournier) Analysing partial melting in the Réunion mantle plume
  • Shihao Yuan (10/2014-04/2018 : 80% avec Satish Singh) High-frequency localised elastic full waveform inversion
  • Fernando Villanueva-Robles (10/2014-08/2015 : 60% avec Nikolaï Shapiro)
  • Thomas Belahi (10/2012-04/2017 : 80% avec Satish Singh) An efficient methodology for inverting seismic data for 2D viscoelastic structures and its application to long-offset streamer data offshore Sumatra
  • Matthias Meschede (11/2011-06/2015 : 30% avec Barbara Romanowicz) Constructing statistical elastic models of the Earth with constraints from long period seismological data
  • Dmitry Borisov (11/2010-11/2014 : 20% avec Satish Singh) Inversion des formes d'onde dans un milieu 3D élastique pour données sismiques répétitives en utilisant une méthode d'injection de grille
  Encadrement de stages
  • Lorraine Delaroque (02/2023-06/2023, M2, Université Grenoble Alpes) An efficient method for computing seismic wavefield in mantle convection models using Born approximation
  • Neha Bawa (02/2023-06/2023, M2, 50% avec Ssu-Ting Lai) Unravelling the wavelength of heterogeneity of small-scaled rock samples using full waveform and Fréchet kernels
  • Adèle Doucet (04/2022-09/2022, M2, 30% avec Yosuke Aoki, ERI, U. Tokyo) Classification and study of low frequency Earthquakes at Mount Fuji
  • Manuel Asnar (06/2020-12/2020, M2, ENSTA Paris) Computation of SH seismic wavefield for laterally heterogeneous planetary models using high-order Born approximation and spherical harmonic basis functions
  • Charlotte Salaün (06/2020-07/2020, 3e année à l'ENSG de Nancy) Les bruits de fond sismiques peuvent-ils être des indices économiques ?
  • Kenza Rahi (06/2019-07/2019, L2, Université de Paris Diderot) Localisation des séismes martiens InSight avec les données synthétiques
  • Roxane Chauvet (04/2019-07/2019, L3, Université de Bordeaux) Participation à l’implémentation d’une nouvelle méthode de l’inversion des structures et de la source à partir des données d’une seule station dans le cadre de la mission InSight
  • Jennifer Antoine (06/2018-11/2018, M2, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs) Au cœur de la Terre
  • Antonin Loubet (02/2018-06/2018, M2R) 3D modelling of station effect and regional earthquakes for the InSight mission
  • Ssu-Ting Lai (02/2018-06/2018, M2R, 80% with Ikuo Katayama, Hiroshima University) Time-lapse elastic properties of cracked granite during shear deformation inferred from laboratory experiments using 2D finite accurate waveform modelling
  • Alice Jacob (03/2017-09/2017, M2R, UPMC, 50% avec Philippe Lognonné) Étude comparée d’un réseau de failles sur Terre et sur Mars - Analyses de données satellitaires et de stations sismiques
  • Hyoihn Jang (07/2016-08/2016, M2R, Université de Séoul, 60% avec YoungHee Kim et Sang-Mook Lee) Monte-Carlo waveform inversion for S-wave velocity structure of the upper mantle and the mantle transition zone beneath the Caroline plate
  • Thijs Franken (02/2016-09/2016, M2R, Université de Utrecht) Exploration of Galerkin methods for seismic wavefield modellng
  • Guy Santty Dalinaud (01/2016-06/2016 M2R, 80% avec Hervé Chauris) Impact of modelling errors in the case of large velocity contrasts
  • Clémence Cuvilliez (06/2015-09/2015, 2e année à l’ENSG de Nancy) Développement d’une méthodologie de calcul précise à l’aide d’opérateurs optimaux pour la modélisation par les différences finies de sismogrammes synthétiques en 1-D
  • Oleg Ovcharenko (01/2015-06/2015, M2R, 80% avec Roland Martin au GET, Toulouse) An accurate methodology of synthetic seismogram calculation for complicated models with regular meshing
  • Hao Jiang (01/2015-06/2015, M2R, 40% avec Hervé Chauris) Time-lapse migration velocity analysis
  • Claude Tannoury (01/2015-06/2015, M2R, 30% avec Eléonore Stutzmann et Jean-Paul Montagner) Tomographie du Groenland à partir du bruit sismique
  • Takamasa Oshikiri (06/2014-02/2015, L4, Université d’Osaka, 40% avec Hidetoshi Shimodaira) Regularisation of waveform inversion in seismology
  • Fernando Villanueva-Robles (01/2014-06/2014, M2R, 60% avec Nikolaï Shapiro) Reconstruction of virtual body waves from ambient seismic noise
  • Moustapha El Sanharawi (11/2013-01/2014, M3, 80% avec Satish Singh) Downward continuation of active seismic data acquired in Sumatra
  • Hugo Jaegler (06/2013-07/2013, L3, EOST, Strasbourg) Visualisation des noyaux de sensibilités calculés à l'aide de DSM-Kernel
  • Kévin Juhel (03/2013-06/2013, M1, 30% avec Lapo Boschi et Laëtitia Le Pourhiet) Propagation des ondes sismiques dans des Terres virtuelles
  • Angelina Egorova (01/2013-06/2013, M2R, 70% avec Satish Singh) Tomographic and waveform imaging of a seamount offshore Sumatra using 15-km long streamer CGGV data
N.B. Toutes les informations détaillées suivent la section de la sismomusique juste au-dessous.   Sismomusique (basson, arrangements)
  • création d’un orchestre de chambre à l’Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (~15 musiciens chercheurs : concerts à l’IPGP, contrats dans un bar, à la péniche du cœur, petits cadeaux musicaux aux soutenances de thèses, etc.
  • concerts prestigieux des orchestres semi-professionnels (Cœurs et Orchestres des Grandes Ecoles, Orchestre d’Harmonie H2O, etc. ; diffusion F2, TV5Monde, LeMonde, Figaro, LaDépêche)
  • arrangements pour orchestre, musique de chambre
Sismocomposition (PhiloGaïa Orchestra)
  • Variation de thème Yeniçeri pour quintet à vents (2004, ca. 10 min)
  • Eroica pour piccolo, cor anglais, cor français, contrebasson et clarinette basse (2004, ca. 10min)
  • Septuor à vents Nr.1 (2010, ca. 12 min)
  • Variation de thème Encantada pour quatuor à vents (2011, ca. 5 min)
  • Ein Superheldenleben, Suite pour deux clarinettes et basson (2014, ca. 15 min)
  • Pierre et la Terre, ciné-concert pour un petit orchestre (2017-2019, ca 45 min)
  • Poème symphonique InSight No. 1 pour un petit orchestre (2017-2019, ca 45 min)
Veuillez trouver mes musiques sur Publications scientifiques de rang A (peer review)  
  • 30. Taichi Kawamura, Matthias Grott, Raphael Garcia, Mark Wieczorek, Sébastien de Raucourt, Philippe Lognonné, Felix Bernauer, Doris Breuer, John Clinton, Pierre Delage, Mélanie Drilleau, Luigi Ferraioli, Nobuaki Fuji, Anna Horleston, Günther Kletetschka, Martin Knapmeyer, Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun, Sebastiano Padovan, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Attilio Rivoldini, Johan Robertsson, Sebastien Rodriguez, Simon C. Stähler, Eleonore Stutzmann, Nicholas A. Teanby, Nicola Tosi, Christos Vrettos, Bruce Banerdt, Wenzhe Fa, Qian Huang, Jessica Irving, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Katarina Miljković, Anna Mittelholz, Seiichi Nagihara, Clive Neal, Shaobo Qu, Nicholas Schmerr, Takeshi Tsuji, 2022. An autonomous lunar geophysical experiment package (ALGEP) for future space missions, Experimental Astronomy, 1-24,
  • 29. Jacob, A.,, Plasman, M., Perrin, C., Fuji, N., Lognonné, P., Xu, Z., Drilleau, M., Brinkman, N., Stähler, S., Sainton, G., Lucas, A., Giardini, D., Kawamura, T., Clinton, J., Banerdt, W.B., 2022. Seismic sources of InSight marsquakes and seismotectonic context of Elysium Planitia, Mars, Tectonophysics, 837, 229434.
  • 28. Perrin, C., Jacob, A., Lucas, A., Myhill, R., Hauber, E., Batov, A., Gudkova, T., Rodriguez, S., Lognonné, P., Stevanovic ́, J., Drilleau, M., Fuji, N., 2022. Geometry and Segmentation of Cerberus Fossae, Mars: Implications for Marsquake Proper- ties, Journal of Geophysical Research : Planets, 127, e2021JE007118.
  • 27. Lai, S., Fuji, N., Katayama, I., Bonilla, F., Capdeville, Y., 2021. Rock deformation monitoring using Monte Carlo waveform inversion, Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB021873.
  • 26. Brinkman, N., Stähler, S.C., Giardini, D., Schmelzbach, C., Khan, A., Jacob, A., Fuji, N., Perrin, C., Lognonné, P., Beucler, E., Böse, M., Ceylan, S., Charalombous, C., Clinton, J.F., van Driel, M., Euchner, F., Horleston, A., Kawamura, T., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Mainsant, G., Panning, M.P., Pike, W.T., Scholz, J.-R., Robertsson, J.O.A., Banerdt, W.B., 2021. First focal mechanisms of marsquakes, Journal of Geophysical Research : Planets, 126, e2020JE006546.
  • 25. Fuji, N., Jang, H., Nakao, A., Kim, Y.-H., Fernández-Blanco, D., Lee, S.-M., Schroeder, A., Konishi, K., 2021. A Possible Roll-over Slab Geometry under the Caroline Plate Imaged by Monte Carlo Finite- Frequency Traveltime Inversion of Teleseismic SS Phases, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 29.
  • 24. Yuan, S., Fuji, N., Singh, S., 2021. High-frequency localized elastic full waveform inversion for time-lapse seismic surveys, Geophysics, 86 (3), 1-55.
  • 23. Franken, K., Armitage, J.J., Fuji, N., Fournier, F., 2020. Seismic Wave-Based Constraints on Geodynamical Processes : An Application to Par- tial Melting Beneath the Réunion Island, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21 5. e2019GC008815,
  • 22. Konishi, K., Fuji, N., Deschamps, F., 2020. 3-D elastic and anelastic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath the western Pacific from finite-frequency tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 125 (2), e2019JB018089,
  • 21. Xiao, Z., Fuji, N., Iidaka, T., Gao, Y., Sun, X., Liu, Q., 2020. Seismic structure beneath the Tibetan Plateau from iterative finite-frequency tomography based on ChinArray : New insights into the Indo-Asian collision, Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, doi :10.1029/2019JB018344
  • 20. Lognonné, P., Banerdt, W.B., Pike, W.T., Giardini, D.,Christensen, U., Garcia, R.F., Ka- wamura, T., Kedar, S., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Margerin, L., Nimmo, F., Panning, M., Tauzin, B., Scholz, J.-R., Antonangeli, D., Barkaoui, S., Beucler, E., Bissig, F., Brinkman, N, Calvet, M, Ceylan, S., Charalambous, C., Davis, P., van Driel, M., Drilleau, M., Fayon, L., Joshi, R., Kenda, B., Khan, A., Knapmeyer, M., Lekic, V., McClean, J., Mimoun, D., Mur- doch, N., Pan, L., Perrin, C., Pinot, B., Pou, L., Menina, S., Rodriguez, S., Schmelzbach, C., Schmerr, N., Sollberger, D., Spiga, A., Stähler, A., Stott, A., Stutzmann, E., Tharimena, S., Widmer-Schnidrig, R., Andersson, F., Ansan, V., Beghein, C., Böse M., Bozdag, E., Clin- ton, J., Daubar, I., Delage, P., Fuji, N., Golombek, M., Grott, M., Horleston, A.,Hurst, K., Irving, J., Jacob, A., Knollenberg, J., Krasner, S., Krause, C., Lorenz, R., Michaut, C., Myhill, B., Nissen-Meyer, T., Pierick, J.,Plesa, A.-C., Quantin-Nataf, C., Robertsson, J., Ro- chas, L., Schimmel, M., Smrekar, S., Spohn, T., Teanby, N., Tromp, J., Vallade, J., Verdier, N., Vrettos, C., Weber, R., Banfield, D., Barrett, E., Bierwirth, M., Calcutt, S., Compaire, N., Johnson, C., Mance, D., Euchner, F., Kerjean, L., Mainsant, G., Mocquet, A., Antonio Rodri- guez Manfredi, J. Pont, J., Laudet, P., Nebut, T., de Raucourt, S., Robert, O., Russell, C.T., Sylvestre-Baron, A., Tillier, S., Warren, T., Wieczorek, M., Yana, X., Zweifel, P., 2020 Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data, Nature geoscience, :10.1038/s41561-020-0536-y
  • 19. Deschamps, F., Konishi, K., Fuji, N., Cobden, L., 2019. Radial thermo-chemical structure beneath Western and Northern Pacific from seismic wave- form inversion, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 520, 153-163.
  • 18. Smrekar, S.E., Lognonné, P., Spohn, T., Banerdt, W.B., Breuer, D., Christensen, U., De- hant, V., Drilleau, M., Folkner, W., Fuji, N., Garcia, R., Giardini, D., Golombek, M., Grott, M., Gudkova, T., Johnson, C., Khan, A., Langlais, B., Mittelholz, A., Mocquet, A., Myhill, R., Panning, M., Perrin, C., Pike, T., Plesa, A.-C., Rivoldini, A., Samuel, H., Stähler, S.C., van Driel, M., van Hoolst, T., Verhoeven, O., Weber, R., Wieczorek, M., 2019. Pre-mission InSights on the interior of Mars, Space Science Reviews, 215, doi :10.1007/s11214-018-0563-9
  • 17. Dauber,I., Lognonné,P.,Teanby,N.A.,Milikovic,K.,Stevanovic ́,J.,Vaubaillon,J.,Kenda,B., Kawamura, T., Clinton, J., Lucas, A., Drilleau, M., Yana, C., Collins, G.S., Banfield, D., Golombek, M., Kedar, S., Schmerr, N., Garcia, R., Rodriguez, S., Gudkova, T., May, S., Banks, M., Maki, J., Sansom, E., Karakostas, F., Panning, M., Fuji, N., Wookey, J., van Driel, M., Lemmon, M., Ansan, V., Böse, M., Stähler, S., Kanamori, H., Richardson,‘J., Smreker, S., Banerdt, W.B., 2018. Impact-seismic investigations of the InSight mission, Space Science Reviews, 214, 8, 132.
  • 16. Hasegawa, K., Fuji, N., Konishi, K., 2018. Improvement of accuracy of the spectral element method for elastic wave computation using modified numerical integration operators, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, doi :10.1016/j.cma.2018.07.025.
  • 15. Marjanović, M., Fuji, N., Singh, S., Belahi, T., Escartin, J., 2017. Seismic signatures of hydrothermal pathways along the East Pacific Rise between 9◦16′ and 9◦ 56′ N, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi : 2017JB015004
  • 14. Yuan, S., Fuji, N., Singh, S., Borisov, D., 2017. Localized time-lapse elastic waveform inversion using wave-equation redatuming method : 2D parametric studies, Geophysical Journal International, doi : 10.1093/gji/ggx118, 209, 1699-1717.
  • 13. Konishi, K., Fuji, N., Deschamps, F., 2017. Elastic and anelastic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath the Western Pacific from waveform inversion, Geophysical Journal International, doi : 10.1093/gji/ggw450, 208, 1290–1304.
  • 12. Borisov, D., Singh, S., Fuji, N., 2015. An efficient method of 3D elastic full waveform inversion for time-lapse seimic data using grid injection method, Geophysical Journal International, 202, 1908–1922.
  • 11. Konishi, K., Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Fuji, N., 2014. Waveform inversion for localized 3-D seismic velocity structure in the lowermost mantle beneath the Western Pacific, Geophysical Journal International, 199, 1245–1267.
  • 10. Kawai, K., Konishi, K., Geller, R.J., Fuji, N., 2014. Methods for inversion of body-wave waveforms for localized three-dimensional seismic structure and an application to D" structure beneath Central America, Geophysical Journal International, doi :10.1093/gji/ggt520
  • 9. Monteiller, V., Chevrot, S., Komatitsch, D., Fuji, N., 2013. A hybrid technique for 3D modelling of high frequency teleseismic body waves in the Earth, Geophysical Journal International, 192, 230–247.
  • 8. Konishi, K., Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Fuji, N., 2012. Waveform inversion of broad-band body-wave data for the S-velocity structure in the lower- most mantle beneath India, Geophysical Journal International, 191, 305–316.
  • 7. Fuji, N., Chevrot, S., Zhao, L., Geller, R.J., Kawai, K., 2012. Partial derivatives of high-frequency compressional body waves for 3-D Earth structure, Geophysical Journal International, 190, 522–540.
  • 6. Fuji, N., Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., 2010. A methodology for inversion of broadband seismic waveforms for elastic and anelastic structure and its application to the mantle transition zone beneath the Northwestern Pacific, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 180, 118–137.
  • 5. Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Fuji, N., 2010. Waveform inversion for S-wave structure in the lowermost mantle beneath the Arctic : Implications for mineralogy and chemical composition, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L16301, doi :10.1029/2010GL043654.
  • 4. Kawai, K., Sekine, S., Fuji, N., Geller, R.J., 2009. Waveform inversion for D" structure beneath northern Asia using Hi-net tiltmeter data, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L039651, doi :10.1029/2009GL039651.
  • 3. Konishi, K., Kawai, K., Geller, R..J., Fuji, N., 2009. MORB in the lowermost mantle beneath the western Pacific : Evidence from waveform inversion, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 278, 219–225.
  • 2. Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Fuji, N., 2007 D′′ beneath the Arctic from inversion of shear waveforms, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L031517, doi :10.1029/2007GL031517.
  • 1. Kawai, K., Takeuchi, N., Geller, R.J., Fuji, N., 2007. Possible evidence for a double crossing phase transition in D′′ beneath Central Ame- rica from inversion of seismic waveforms, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L029642, doi :10.1029/2007GL029642.
Peer review proceedings of international conferences
  • 13. Singh, S., Belahi, T., Fuji, N., 2019. Viscoelastic full waveform inversion of wide-angle data: application to ultra-long offset data from Mentawai Bassin, Indonesia, Proceedings of the 81st EAGE conference and exhibition, London.
  • 12. Lai, S., Fuji, N., Katayama, I., 2019. Time-lapsee elastic properties of cracked granite during deformation inferred from laboratory experiments using 2D waveform modelling, Proceedings of the 81st EAGE conference and exhibition, London.
  • 11. Yuan, Y., Fuji, N., Singh, S., Borisov, D., 2017. Effiicient 3D localized elastic full-waveform inversion for time-lapse seismic surveys, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 1444-1448.
  • 10. Yuan, Y., Fuji, N., Singh, S., Borisov, D., 2017. Localised time-lapse elastic waveform inversion using wave-equation redatuming method: 2D parametric studies, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2017 conference, Paris
  • 9. Fernández-Visentini, A., Ke, K.-Y., Lartey, J., Abhishikth, V., Delahaye, C., Chounet, A., Meschede, M., Marjanovic, M., Louis, A., Lecroere, T., Achere, V., Coulon, L., Fuji, N., 2017. Seismic and geomagnetic survey in an archeological site at Chartres, France - evidences of paleo-channel and remains of a Roman temple, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2017 conference, Paris
  • 8. Belahi, T., Fuji, N., Singh, S., 2017. Imaging of Sumatra gas-rich region using 2D hierarchical viscoelastic waveform inversion, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2017 conference, Paris
  • 7. Fuji, N., Ovcharenko, O., Cuvilliez, C., Martin, R. (2016) Simple and accurate operators based on Taylor expansion for 2D elastic seismogram calculation under geological discontinuites with regular Cartesian grids, INVITED ABSTRACT, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2016 conference, Vienna, Austria
  • 6. Yuan, S., Fuji, N., Singh, S., Borisov, D. (2016) Localised time-lapse 3D elastic full waveform inversion using finite-difference injection method and wavefield extrapolation, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2016 conference, Vienna, Austria
  • 5. Marjanović, M., Fuji, N., Singh, S., Belahi, T. (2016) Imaging hydrothermal circulation paths along the East Pacific Rise using elastic wave-equation based inversion techniques, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2016 conference, Vienna, Austria
  • 4. Belahi, T., Singh, S.C., Fuji, N., (2016) Viscoelastic full waveform inversion of sea bottom long offset seismic data in presence of attenuation, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2016 conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • 3. Villanueva-Robles, F., Fuji, N., Shapiro, N., Singh, S.C. (2015) Near-offset trace reconstruction from sparse ocean bottom seismometer data using seismic interferometry, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2015 conference, Madrid, Spain.
  • 2. Belahi, T., Fuji, N., Singh, S.C. (2015) Elastic versus viscoelastic full waveform inversion of near-offset and wide-angle data in the presence of strong attenuation, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2015 conference, Madrid, Spain.
  • 1. Monteiller, V., Chevrot, S., Komatitsch, D., Fuji, N., 2011. A hybrid technique for 3-D modeling of high frequency teleseismic body waves in the Earth, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE 2011 conference, Vienna, Austria.
  Responsabilité de l'équipe
  • 09/2015-09/2020 Directeur adjoint du Laboratoire de Sismologie
  • 09/2012-03/2018 Organisateur des séminaires du Laboratoire de Sismologie
  Responsabilité d’enseignement
  • 09/2018-12/2020 : Responsable pédagogique de Master international IMSES
  • 09/2012-08/2018 : Responsable pédagogique de Master international de la Géophysique d’Exploration « M2R GPX »
  • 09/2014-08/2022 : Responsable du module Mathématiques en Licence pour la science de la terrer et les langues étrangères « ASTER »
    Responsabilités du jury des concours scientifiques
  • 01/2015 Jury pour un poste de maître assistant à l’École des Mines de Paris
    Responsabilités d’établissement d’un memorandum of understanding international  
  • Responsable (avec Édouard Kaminski à l’IPGP) d’établir un MoU et un dual master entre le Pôle de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur (PRES) Sorbonne Paris Cité et l’Université de Kyoto (avec Hitoshi Mikada)
  Responsabilités collectives (à ajouter)  
  • 10/2015- PI d'un projet USPC franco-coréen (20KE) "SNU-Diderot Geophysics meetings"
  • 04/2013-08/2013 co-PI d’un projet INSU « Validation quantitative des modèles thermomécaniques lithosphériques par les données sismologiques (3,5KE) avec Laëtitia Le Pourhiet, Lapo Boschi (Université Paris Marie Curie)
Reviewers de journaux scientifiques de rang A   Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, AGU   Geophysical Journal International, Oxford Journals   Solid Earth, EGU   Responsabilités internationales   Présentation du groupe GPX de l’IPGP :   1. l’European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), Amsterdam, Juin 2014   Session convenor :   3. AOGS meeting SE02 2016, Beijing, Chine, Juillet 2016 (avec Li Zhao)   2. AOGS meeting SE02 2013, Brisbane, Australie, Juin 2013 (avec Takashi Nakagawa et Frédéric Deschamps)   1.  WPGM meeting 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, Juin 2010 (avec Paul Tackley et Frédéric Deschamps)    




when science sings to your heart


Perrin Clement, Jacob A, Lucas A, Myhill R, Hauber E, Batov A, Gudkova T, Rodriguez S, Lognonné P, Stevanović J, Drilleau M, Fuji N. Geometry and Segmentation of Cerberus Fossae, Mars: Implications for Marsquake Properties. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, Wiley-Blackwell, 17 January 2022, 127. <10.1029/2021je007118>

Brinkman Nienke, Stähler Simon C, Giardini Domenico, Schmelzbach Cédric, Khan Amir, Jacob Alice, Fuji Nobuaki, Perrin Clement, Lognonné Philippe, Beucler Éric, Böse Maren, Ceylan Savas, Charalambous Constantinos, Clinton John F, van Driel Martin, Euchner Fabian, Horleston Anna, Kawamura Taichi, Knapmeyer‐endrun Brigitte, Mainsant Guenole, Panning Mark P, Pike William T, Scholz John‐robert, Robertsson Johan O A, Banerdt William B. First Focal Mechanisms of Marsquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, Wiley-Blackwell, 2021, 126. <10.1029/2020je006546>

Fuji Nobuaki, Jang Hyoihn, Nakao Atsushi, Kim Younghee. A Possible Roll-over Slab Geometry under the Caroline Plate Imaged by Monte Carlo Finite-Frequency Traveltime Inversion of Teleseismic SS Phases. Frontiers in Earth Science, Frontiers Media, 2021, 9. <10.3389/feart.2021.593947>

Lai Ssu-Ting, Fuji Nobuaki, Katayama Ikuo, Bonilla Luis Fabian, Capdeville Yann. Rock Deformation Monitoring Using Monte Carlo Waveform Inversion. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 2021, 126. <10.1029/2021JB021873>

Konishi Kensuke, Fuji Nobuaki, Deschamps Frédéric. Three‐dimensional Elastic and Anelastic Structure of the Lowermost Mantle Beneath the Western Pacific From Finite‐Frequency Tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 31 January 2020, 125. <10.1029/2019JB018089>

Xiao Zhuo, Fuji Nobuaki, Iidaka Takashi, Gao Yuan, Sun Xinlei, Liu Qi. Seismic Structure Beneath the Tibetan Plateau From Iterative Finite‐Frequency Tomography Based on ChinArray: New Insights Into the Indo‐Asian Collision. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 17 January 2020, 125. <10.1029/2019JB018344>

Smrekar Suzanne E., Lognonné Philippe, Spohn Tilman, Banerdt W. Bruce, Breuer Doris, Christensen Ulrich, Dehant Véronique, Drilleau Mélanie, Folkner William, Fuji Nobuaki, Garcia Raphael F., Giardini Domenico, Golombek Matthew, Grott Matthias, Gudkova Tamara, Johnson Catherine, Khan Amir, Langlais Benoit, Mittelholz Anna, Mocquet A., Myhill Robert, Panning Mark, Perrin Clément, Pike Tom, Plesa Ana-Catalina, Rivoldini Attilio, Samuel Henri, Stähler Simon C., van Driel Martin, van Hoolst Tim, Verhoeven Olivier, Weber Renee, Wieczorek Mark. Pre-mission InSights on the Interior of Mars. Space Science Reviews, Springer Verlag, January 2019, 215. <10.1007/s11214-018-0563-9>

Deschamps Frédéric, Konishi Kensuke, Fuji Nobuaki, Cobden Laura. Radial thermo-chemical structure beneath Western and Northern Pacific from seismic waveform inversion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier, 2019, 520. <10.1016/j.epsl.2019.05.040>

Daubar Ingrid, Lognonné Philippe, Teanby Nicholas A., Miljkovic Katarina, Stevanović Jennifer, Vaubaillon Jeremie, Kenda Balthasar, Kawamura Taichi, Clinton John, Lucas Antoine, Drilleau Melanie, Yana Charles, Collins Gareth S., Banfield Don, Golombek Matthew, Kedar Sharon, Schmerr Nicholas, Garcia Raphaël F., Rodriguez Sebastien, Gudkova Tamara, May Stephane, Banks Maria, Maki Justin, Sansom Eleanor, Karakostas Foivos, Panning Mark, Fuji Nobuaki, Wookey James, van Driel Martin, Lemmon Mark, Ansan V., Böse Maren, Stähler Simon, Kanamori Hiroo, Richardson James, Smrekar Suzanne, Banerdt W. Bruce. Impact-Seismic Investigations of the InSight Mission. Space Science Reviews, Springer Verlag, December 2018, 214. <10.1007/s11214-018-0562-x>

Marjanović Milena, Fuji Nobuaki, Singh Satish C, Belahi Thomas, Escartin Javier. Seismic Signatures of Hydrothermal Pathways Along the East Pacific Rise Between 9°16′ and 9°56′N. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical Union, 2017, 122. <10.1002/2017jb015004>

Borisov Dmitry, Singh Satish C, Fuji Nobuaki. An efficient method of 3-D elastic full waveform inversion using a finite-difference injection method for time-lapse imaging. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 16 June 2015, 202. <10.1093/gji/ggv268>

Kawai Kenji, Konishi Kensuke, Geller Robert J., Fuji Nobuaki. Methods for inversion of body-wave waveforms for localized three-dimensional seismic structure and an application to D'' structure beneath Central America. Geophysical Journal, 2014, 197. <10.1093/gji/ggt520>

Konishi Kensuke, Kawai Kenji, Geller Robert J., Fuji Nobuaki. Waveform inversion for localized three-dimensional seismic velocity structure in the lowermost mantle beneath the Western Pacific. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2014, 199. <10.1093/gji/ggu288>

Monteiller Vadim, Chevrot Sébastien, Komatitsch Dimitri, Fuji Nobuaki. A hybrid method to compute short period synthetic seismograms of teleseismic body waves in a 3-D regional model. Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2013, 192. <10.1093/gji/ggs006>

Monteiller Vadim, Chevrot Sébastien, Komatitsch Dimitri, Fuji Nobuaki. A hybrid technique for 3-D modeling of high frequency teleseismic body waves in the Earth. 23 May 2011.

Fuji Nobuaki, Kawai Kenji, Geller Robert J.. A methodology for inversion of broadband seismic waveforms for elastic and anelastic structure and its application to the mantle transition zone beneath the Northwestern Pacific. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2010, 180. <10.1016/j.pepi.2009.10.004>

Kawai Kenji, Geller Robert J., Fuji Nobuaki. Waveform inversion for S-wave structure in the lowermost mantle beneath the Arctic: Implications for mineralogy and chemical composition. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2010, 37. <10.1029/2010GL043654>

Kawai Kenji, Sekine Shutaro, Fuji Nobuaki, Geller Robert J.. Waveform inversion for D″ structure beneath northern Asia using Hi-net tiltmeter data. Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2009, 36. <10.1029/2009GL039651>