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Terms of access to S-CAPAD

The DANTE platform of S-CAPAD (Lenovo cluster)

Use of the Lenovo cluster can be granted only upon receipt of the cluster account opening request form; with declaration of having read and complied with the Charter of Good Use of Computer Resources.

After validation by the scientific  head of S-CAPAD, the user will receive a confirmation email with the instructions to access the cluster and its documentation.

Access to S-CAPAD from outside

Users must first have an account on the cluster before applying for an account on the firewall.

This procedure uses java, and it’s supposed to work with all browsers.

Access to the S-CAPAD resources from outside IPGP is done by log in the firewall: https://fw.ipgp.fr.

Having an account at the IPGP does not imply having an account on the firewall, and having an account on the firewall does not imply that the login servers of the cluster (stella*) are directly accessible from this one.

To request an account on the firewall with access to the cluster:

Once connected on the firewall, click on “Open secure access in an application” to get a .jnlp file.

(java can be retrieved here).

This .jnlp file (usable once) can be directly executed, or saved and then executed on Linux or MacOS, typing
      javaws xvpnc_*.jnlp

Once you get a list of hosts including stella (and stellagpu01), you’ll be able to access the cluster from a terminal (or PuTTY), typing:
       ssh your_login_on_stella@localhost -p 11258

To transfer files from your local computer to/from the cluster:
      scp -P 11258  file  your_login_on_stella@localhost://path_on_stella
       scp -P 11258  your_login_on_stella@localhost://path_on_stella/file .

From Windows, use PowerShell and run as administrator.

When using the DANTE platform

The project manager and / or the user agree(s) to:

  • Provide a scientific report on request.
  • Mention the use of resources and the S-CAPAD/DANTE support in all project-related publications:
    Numerical computations were performed on the S-CAPAD/DANTE platform, IPGP, France.
    If only part of the calculations were performed on S-CAPAD:
    Numerical computations were partly performed on the S-CAPAD/DANTE platform, IPGP, France.
  • Provide a copy of all publications submitted and / or accepted so that they appear under publications of S-CAPAD.

We strongly encourage you to deposit your scientific publications in an open archive such as HAL.

There is no charge for using the platform, but users who have obtained funding for their research project are invited to participate in the amortization (and possible evolution) of the resources.