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A new autonomous sensor to continuously measure the humidity and conductivity of a porous medium

In a paper published on May 11th, 2017 in the scientific journal Sensors, a team of researchers from the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris present a new field sensor capable of continuously monitoring in situ the humidity, conductivity and temperature of a porous medium such as soil.

A new autonomous sensor to continuously measure the humidity and conductivity of a porous medium

Autonomous sensor continuously measuring the humidity and conductivity of a porous medium

Publication date: 24/08/2017

Press, Research

Related teams :
Geological Fluid Dynamics

Related themes : Earth System Science

Unlike existing sensors, this one accurately measures the complex dielectric permittivity of the medium, a physical property that is sensitive to the water content and salinity of the medium, eliminating any risk of instrumental bias and parasitic effects. This reliability makes it possible to use the many geophysical models for converting permittivity into water content and salinity.

Latest-generation probe for valorization

The sensor also benefits from the latest advances in information and communication technologies to provide a wireless network of autonomous probes for remote temporal and spatial monitoring. Current developments are aimed at simplifying and standardising these sensors with a view to their industrial use, thereby meeting a wide range of applications such as setting up a network of probes for fundamental research in hydrology, but also in sectors such as agriculture, civil engineering, process monitoring, etc.


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