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Philippe Lognonné and Philippe Labrot honored by the French Astronomical Society

Philippe Lognonné and Philippe Labrot honored by the French Astronomical Society

Publication date: 21/05/2021

Awards and Distinctions, Institute Life, Press, Research

Every year, the Board of Directors of the Société Astronomique de France awards prizes and medals to people it wishes to congratulate for their work or thank for services rendered.

This year, Philippe Lognonné, professor at the University of Paris and geophysicist at the IPGP, was awarded the International Astronautical Prize, together with Philippe Laudet, from CNES, for their major contributions to the SEIS instrument. Philippe Lognonné is the chief scientist and principal investigator of the SEIS seismometer, developed at the IPGP, for NASA’s Insight mission currently deployed on the planet Mars.

Philippe Labrot, who set up the official website for the SEIS instrument, was also awarded the SAF Alexandre Ananoff prize this year for his efforts to popularise Mars over the past 20 years through his personal website

Philippe Lognonné (IPGP) and Philippe Laudet (CNES): SAF International Astronautics Prize 2021

“The International Prize for Astronautics is awarded in recognition of an important work which can advance one of the questions on which the achievement of interstellar navigation depends, or which can increase human knowledge in one of the branches touching on astronautical science. It was established by Robert Esnault-Pelterie and André-Louis Hirsch. Before 1936, this prize was known as the Rep-Hirsch Prize.

Philippe Labrot: SAF Alexandre Ananoff Prize 2021

“The Alexandre Ananoff Prize rewards actions or achievements designed to promote space culture, aimed at the general public. It was created in 2015 by the European Astronaut Club, the Histoires d’espace association, the Planète Mars association and the Science Ouverte association, under the patronage of the Société Astronomique de France.”

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