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Earth and Planetary Interiors Theme News

Evidence of magmatically induced faults at the East Pacific Rise

25 June 2024

Press, Research

Evidence of magmatically induced faults at the East Pacific Rise

By comparison of ultra-high-resolution 3-D seismic imagery and bathymetry data collected at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) 9º50'N, researchers reveal the...

NASA will measure earthquakes on the Moon using technologies developed for the InSight mission on Mars

30 May 2024

Press, Research

NASA will measure earthquakes on the Moon using technologies developed for the InSight mission on Mars

The technology of the two seismometers that are part of NASA's Farside Seismic Suite instrument has detected more than a thousand earthquakes on the R...

On Mars, dust avalanches triggered by major earthquakes

25 January 2024

Press, Research

On Mars, dust avalanches triggered by major earthquakes

By combining data collected by the SEIS seismometer operated by the InSight mission on Mars with available orbital data, a scientific team has reveale...

The geodynamic conditions for the formation of the Andes experimentally explored

29 November 2023

Press, Research

The geodynamic conditions for the formation of the Andes experimentally explored

A team of researchers has used a novel experimental setup to explore the geodynamic conditions under which compressive deformation of the upper tecton...

InSight seismic data reveals a molten layer at the base of the Martian mantle

25 October 2023

Press, Research

InSight seismic data reveals a molten layer at the base of the Martian mantle

The analysis by the InSight mission science team of seismic data recorded on Mars following a meteorite impact that occurred in September 2021 drastic...

First high-resolution images of the last stage of magma plumbing

02 October 2023

Press, Research

First high-resolution images of the last stage of magma plumbing

By imaging for the first time at high resolution and in 3D the magmatic system under the East Pacific Ridge, an international team led by Milena Marja...

The evolution of the Earth's atmosphere studied using impact craters

25 September 2023

Press, Research

The evolution of the Earth's atmosphere studied using impact craters

An international team shows that rocks from the hydrothermal system formed following the impact of the Rochechouart asteroid around 200 million years ...

18 September 2023

Events, General public, Observatories, Press

"Fête de la science" 2023 at the national magnetic observatory in Chambon-la-Forêt

Why does magnetic North move? What happens when the Sun triggers a magnetic storm? Discover the Earth's magnetic field on 6 and 7 October 2023!

New insights into the pre-eruptive dynamics of magma reservoirs

06 February 2023

Press, Research

New insights into the pre-eruptive dynamics of magma reservoirs

Seismic monitoring of a volcano is currently the most common method of detecting and tracking its eruptive crises, based on the increasing number and ...

The formation of planetary atmospheres less efficient than anticipated

06 December 2022

Press, Research

The formation of planetary atmospheres less efficient than anticipated

Researchers from the IPGP - Université Paris Cité show that the degassing of volatiles at the surface of magmatic oceans is far from instantaneous.

Édith Kubik receives the 2022 CNFGG PhD Award

06 December 2022

Awards and Distinctions, Press, Research

Édith Kubik receives the 2022 CNFGG PhD Award

Édith Kubik received the 2022 Geophysics Prize for her PhD "Elemental and stable isotopic fractionations of siderophile elements – Implications for th...

First observations of a major organic carbon reservoir in the deep Earth

22 September 2022

Press, Research

First observations of a major organic carbon reservoir in the deep Earth

The study of the deep carbon cycle enables us to estimate the natural flow of carbon between the Earth's surface and deep interior, ultimately regulat...