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A. Mangeney and K. Chanard honored by EGU

The EGU (European Geosciences Union) awards two IPGP researchers among its 50 international prize and medal winners for 2022! Anne Mangeney, professor at the University of Paris and seismologist at IPGP, receives the "Sergey Soloviev" Medal, and Kristel Chanard, geophysicist at IPGP and IGN, receives the Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award for Geodesy.

A. Mangeney and K. Chanard honored by EGU

Publication date: 10/11/2021

Awards and Distinctions, Institute Life, Press, Research

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Anne Mangeney receives the Sergey Soloviev Medal:
Anne Mangeney is currently an exceptional professor at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, University of Paris in the seismology team. She has also been a member of the Institut Universitaire de France since 2021. She is head of the Natural Hazards Master’s programme at the University of Paris and chair of CNRS section 18, “Earth and telluric planets: structure, history, models”.

Anne Mangeney has conducted research in glaciology, seismology, planetology and volcanology, particularly on polar glaciers, landslides and tsunamis, at the frontiers of mathematics, physics and mechanics.

His major contribution has been to improve understanding and modelling of flows with complex rheology by combining theoretical and numerical approaches, and laboratory and field experiments. Analysis of the seismic waves generated by these instabilities has enabled him to constrain the physical processes involved (ERC). Her numerous articles and invited lectures in geophysics, mathematics and physics bear witness to the multidisciplinary nature of the work she has carried out in close collaboration with an international network of researchers, PhD students and post-docs from these different fields. This research has led to the development of SHALTOP software, which is distributed to the community to simulate gravity flows on realistic topographies and used by government departments to assess the hazards and risks associated with landslides.

She has also been heavily involved in the organisation of research (team leader, scientific councils, CNU and CNRS committees, HCERES evaluation, creation of a GDR), the transfer of academic knowledge to society (Ministerial Committee for the Prevention of Major Natural Risks COPRNM) and teaching (creation of the Master in Natural Risks). Anne Mangeney was awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant SLIDEQUAKES (2014-2020).

Kristel Chanard is the winner of theOutstanding Early Career Scientist Awards for Geodesy:
Kristel Chanard is a researcher at the Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) and the Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP), in the geodesy team. She is also a member of the team responsible for producing the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) within the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), and an associate researcher in the Geosciences department at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS).

After studying Geosciences at the ENS, she obtained a PhD in Geophysics from the ENS under the supervision of Alexandre Schubnel and Eric Calais, and in collaboration with Luce Fleitout and Jean-Philippe Avouac (Caltech).

She then did a postdoctorate at the University of Lausanne in collaboration with György Hetényi.
Her research focused on improving and exploiting space geodesy techniques to detect deformations of the Earth and variations in its gravity field and rotation caused by the redistribution of water masses within and between the atmosphere, the oceans and continental hydrological reservoirs. In particular, it is developing hydrogeodesy methods to monitor the evolution of freshwater reservoirs (aquifers, lakes, ice caps and glaciers, etc.) using their geodetic signature. In addition, the precise measurement of the Earth’s response to variations in the masses of water at its surface enables it to provide new information on the Earth’s rheology and to investigate the possible role of climate forcing in the seismic cycle.


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