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Planetology and Space Sciences Team News

NASA will measure earthquakes on the Moon using technologies developed for the InSight mission on Mars

30 May 2024

Press, Research

NASA will measure earthquakes on the Moon using technologies developed for the InSight mission on Mars

The technology of the two seismometers that are part of NASA's Farside Seismic Suite instrument has detected more than a thousand earthquakes on the R...

On Mars, dust avalanches triggered by major earthquakes

25 January 2024

Press, Research

On Mars, dust avalanches triggered by major earthquakes

By combining data collected by the SEIS seismometer operated by the InSight mission on Mars with available orbital data, a scientific team has reveale...

InSight seismic data reveals a molten layer at the base of the Martian mantle

25 October 2023

Press, Research

InSight seismic data reveals a molten layer at the base of the Martian mantle

The analysis by the InSight mission science team of seismic data recorded on Mars following a meteorite impact that occurred in September 2021 drastic...

After four years of activity, the InSight mission comes to an end

13 March 2023

Press, Research

After four years of activity, the InSight mission comes to an end

NASA's InSight mission, with the French SEIS instrument on board, has ended after more than four years of collecting unique scientific data on Mars. J...

First observations of Titan by the James Webb Space Telescope

13 March 2023

Press, Research

First observations of Titan by the James Webb Space Telescope

On November 4, the James Webb Space Telescope, of the American (NASA), European (ESA) and Canadian (CSA) space agencies, pointed its instruments at Ti...

The formation of planetary atmospheres less efficient than anticipated

06 December 2022

Press, Research

The formation of planetary atmospheres less efficient than anticipated

Researchers from the IPGP - Université Paris Cité show that the degassing of volatiles at the surface of magmatic oceans is far from instantaneous.

Two major meteorite impacts shed light on the interior of Mars

30 October 2022

Press, Research

Two major meteorite impacts shed light on the interior of Mars

By studying seismic and orbital data from two major meteorite impacts in late 2021, the international teams of NASA's InSight and Mars Reconnaissance ...

Publication of the book

26 October 2022

General public, Press, Research

Publication of the book "Les mondes de Saturne" (Saturn's worlds)

"Les mondes de Saturne", written by Sébastien Charnoz, Sandrine Vinatier, Sandrine Guerlet and Alice Le Gall, has just been published by Belin.

Philippe Lognonné and Paul Rebischung honored by AGU

06 September 2022

Awards and Distinctions, Institute Life, Press, Research

Philippe Lognonné and Paul Rebischung honored by AGU

The AGU (American Geophysical Union) awards two IPGP researchers among the hundred or so international prize-winners in its various sections for 2022!...

Landscape evolution over decades thanks to topographic reconstruction from archive images

05 November 2021

Press, Research

Landscape evolution over decades thanks to topographic reconstruction from archive images

A team from IPGP, Université de Paris and CNRS has developed a complete algorithm for using aerial archive images taken over the last century to track...

Philippe Lognonné and Philippe Labrot honored by the French Astronomical Society

21 May 2021

Awards and Distinctions, Institute Life, Press, Research

Philippe Lognonné and Philippe Labrot honored by the French Astronomical Society

Every year, the Board of Directors of the Société Astronomique de France awards prizes and medals to people it wishes to congratulate for their work o...

Philippe Lognonné and Frédéric Moynier, winners of the Prix de l'Académie des sciences 2020

24 November 2020

Awards and Distinctions, Institute Life, Press, Research

Philippe Lognonné and Frédéric Moynier, winners of the Prix de l'Académie des sciences 2020

On Tuesday 24 November, the Académie des Sciences announced the names of the 68 winners of the 65 prizes it awarded in 2020. This year, two of the Aca...